Good To Know

Did you ever think about the fact that the word “distraction” contains the three letters c-a-t? Maybe that’s not an accident? As many of us are working from home, we’re leaning how to manage our feline coworkers – or not. features 17 adorable cats who are determined to not let their humans get any
Depending on the size and breed of a cat, each one has a specific weight requirement that is best for a long, healthy life. For pet parents with overweight or obese cats, finding the right diet is paramount. We have partnered with NomNom, who have provided us with some helpful information about reaching and maintaining your
I have a playlist. In fact, I have a few of them — one for running, one for relaxing, one just for fun. But I never thought about creating one for my own pets until Spotify came out with its Pet Playlists. This new experience is where Spotify users get an algorithmically curated playlist based
Statement from International Cat Care and International Society of Feline Medicine International Cat Care was very concerned to read the BBC news report published this morning (8/4/2020) presenting advice to keep cats indoors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article was alarmist and has since been edited, however, it has been shared around the world and
Welcome to a scary, often puzzling feline “u-niverse.” That “u” includes urinary stones and urinary tract infections. Far too many cats experience a variety of urinary issues that can be painful and, in some instances, life-threatening. Fortunately, effective weapons to tame or combat a host of urinary issues can be found in your cat’s food
All cats can exhibit attention-seeking behavior sometimes, but it’s most common in cats who are left alone for long periods of time or who don’t get enough stimulation from their home environment. A lot of the shenanigans cats pull to get our attention can be perceived as straight up naughty behavior, but it’s important to
From tiny to titan, cats come in all sizes. And our cat lover hearts are mush for every single one of them, but there’s something extra special cute about a little cat. Some kitties seem to never overgrow their kittenish statures, staying small and snugly their whole lives. On short legs with big, round eyes,
But in the small historic town of Azemmour, Association ERHAM is working hard to ensure their survival. Morocco’s lockdown came fast and furious on the 20th March, closing cafes and restaurants, all cultural and sporting events and mosques. The COVID-19 caseload was still relatively low and the government gained worldwide praise for their quick and
Happy Easter from Allegra and Ingrid This will be a very different Easter for most of us. Even if you’re sheltering in place with family, you won’t be able to get together with a wider circle of family members like you might normally do. If you’re used to celebrating this holiday in your church, watching