Good To Know

Pumpkin spice lattes are a rite of fall for us two-legged folks, and pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving staple. And since we consider our cats family, it’s only natural to want them to partake in pumpkin-everything season. But some of our favorite foods are on the no-fly list for cats (hello, chocolate). Pumpkin happens to
I couldn’t find any attribution for the above quote, but it hit a nerve. I for one spend far too much time on my phone, and not enough time recharging! I’ll be recharging big time this weekend: I’m going on a little getaway to my friends’ beautiful weekend house near the river. We’re planning on
“Love never fails.” Shanta Siegler of Triumphant Teagan teaches us this lesson time and again with the “perfectly imperfect kittens” that come into her care. The latest “special needs purrmaid” in her care proves the sentiment once again! Princess Aoife is an adorable kitten and nothing stops her, not even paralysis. @triumphant_teagan/Instagram Never Giving Up
Tune into Jeff Lyons’ 10 p.m. weather forecast on WFIE-TV in Evansville, Indiana, and you’ll get more than just the Doppler radar and an above-average dewpoint. You’ll get an up-to-the-minute forecast with a chance of Betty. Betty the weather cat, that is! The once homeless feline is a newly minted internet sensation whose fluffiness on
It seems like Cathy Pittman has heard some version of the question thousands of times:  “My cat is so cute. How can we get into the movies? And will we get rich?” The  Hollywood animal trainer sighs as she tells the story. If anything, the number of people who want fame and fortune for their
“Oh no. She just won’t stop this and lie down !      At noon the monstrous vacuum cleaner roars.      At two she starts to straighten out her drawers. It drives us crazy ! Then she starts to frown !   She stares across the room (our hooman clown)      Then shoves
This is the perfect time of year to curl up with a spooky mystery. Check out these four fun whodunits! Cat Got Your Crown In the fourth book in Julie Chase’s Kitty Couture Mystery series, Lacy Marie Crocker can’t believe it’s been a year since her return home to New Orleans. Since opening her pet
You may have seen your cat sleeping on top of your shoes or rolling around on your smelly gym clothes. Maybe you were grossed out, laughed out loud or both. What is it with cats and smelly things? Cats aren’t the only animals attracted to smelly things. To animals, the sense of smell is extremely
Today is Labor Day in the United States, and we’re doing anything but labor: we’re taking a 24-hour online break. Allegra has the right idea, and oh, how I wish we  could really be at the beach right now! We’ll be back tomorrow with our regular fare of articles about feline health and nutrition, product
My feline foursome never turns down a treat. But they all become animated when I surprise them with an unusual treat, such as chopped-up anchovies or scrambled egg yolks or commercial-bought bison treats. Cats benefit when you expand their palates by slowly introducing them to new, nutritious treats. CBD treats: a growing trend I have
While many of us have struggled to keep the weight off during lockdown, pets have been shedding the pounds, helped by experts at University of Liverpool’s Royal Canin Weight Management Clinic. The state-of-the-art pet obesity clinic, which is celebrating its 15th birthday this year, has helped almost 500 cats and dogs – from Plymouth to
We’re six months into this pandemic now, and the future doesn’t look any more certain than it did when all of this first started. But then, I suppose, that’s always the case. We never know what the future will bring. It just feels so different right now because we’re dealing with uncertainty at unprecedented levels.
Feline Senile Dementia also sometimes known as Cognitive Dysfunction System (CDS) is an age-related disease that impacts the brain. Like dementia in humans, cats who experience dementia will generally display a decrease in memory, awareness and recognition of the world around them including their home, as well as guardians and any other animals in the
According to the PDSA, vets estimate over a third of cats are overweight, and obesity is one of the most common health problems in middle age cats. With 68% of cat owners unaware that their cat is overweight or obese, the grain free pet food experts at Canagan have compiled their top tips on how to maintain a healthy weight for our feline