Good To Know

Love, love, love — that’s all the RagaMuffin wants from you, and all she wants to give in return. And if she thinks she’s not getting enough, the sweet cat will figure out ways to achieve your undivided attention. “One of my cats used to get attention by pressing the buttons on the fax machine
Unemployment has skyrocketed during COVID-19, and it’s left people struggling to put food on their tables. When cat parents can’t afford to feed themselves, they’re likely struggling to make ends meet for their pets as well. If you’re hurting, know you’re not alone. The ASPCA recently released new data showing that more than 4.2 million
Guest post by Amy ShojaiThis post contains affiliate links* Thank you, Ingrid, for allowing me to share about my latest book, Hit and Run. Many folks know about my nonfiction that covers cat and dog care and behavior. Not as many may know that I also write fiction that features pets. I call my fiction
Looking for a way to celebrate our feline friends this month? Here are some fun October cat activities. NOTE: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many events have been cancelled. But here are some virtual events you can check out. All month: National Animal Safety and Protection Month; National Pet Wellness Month CatCon goes virtual this year!
Archie & The Lawlor Cat Hotel: New Book, a “Pawsome Adventure”, Based on Mischief at Real-World Cat Hotel. It’s Time to Check In! Jane Lawlor’s ‘Archie & The Lawlor Cat Hotel’ is an hilarious, adventurous and unforgettable children’s book based on the author’s own real-world cat hotel. Lawlor’s beloved Lawlor Cat Hotel has captured the
Wildfires have ravaged the West Coast, affecting air quality, ruining homes and businesses and causing apocalyptic skies. The fires have also put cats at risk for smoke inhalation and heat exhaustion, both of which could have fatal consequences. “Smoke is an air pollutant just like anything else, whether it be car exhaust or fossil fuels.
Hi everyone, Please find below the latest entry in the icatcare Spotlight on Science series: Mikel Delgado, a member of the iCatCare Feline Wellbeing Panel and feline welfare researcher tells us about her latest research on cross-sucking behaviours in orphaned kittens. When I started working as a postdoctoral researcher at the School of Veterinary Medicine at
This post contains affiliate links* Volana Kote (aka Jen Glick) is a Delaware based jewelry designer who creates gorgeous pieces incorporating naturally fallen cat whiskers. Jen has always saved her cats’ whiskers. “They bring good luck,” she says. She has also designed jewelry as long as she can remember, and one day, she started incorporating
There’s no doubt about it, pets well and truly steal our hearts and build an unbreakable bond with us. One way of protecting that very special relationship is to make sure that our pet’s heart is strong and healthy. With ‘World Heart Day’ taking place on 29 September, now’s the time for owners to be
The coronavirus pandemic has affected all of us – and that includes our cats. Whether they’re picking up on their humans’ stress or trying to figure out why they no longer have the house to themselves all day, some of our cats are having a rough time. To get some expert advice, I chatted with
Don’t you wish you could remain balanced and step through these turbulent times with the kind of confidence the kitty in the photo above displays? Becoming unshakeable in the middle of the storm that life has turned into is becoming more and more challenging, but it’s something worth striving for. I previously shared the Womens’
Hi Everyone! My name is Iris and I am the lucky kitten of Nancy and Tom. They adopted me from ARF(Animal Rescue Foundation) last Christmas. I met Nancy and right away I knew that I wanted her to be my mom. She gave me some treats and played with me. She went to see other
Cats can be weird. They do things like knead on blankets as if they are making bread dough, bump you repeatedly with their heads for attention and chatter like parakeets when playing with their toys. As  if all that wasn’t goofy enough, they sometimes zoom around the house for no apparent reason and stick their