Good To Know

This post contains affiliate links* We are big fans of Dezi & Roo here. The company was founded by our resident feline veterinarian, Dr. Lynn Bahr. With Dezi & Roo, Dr. Bahr combined her passion for strengthening the human-animal bond with her veterinary background and knowledge of what cats need and want. The company name was
Anyone who has ever shared a home with multiple cats has at one point or another experienced conflict between cats in the home. In some cases, squabbles are isolated or short-lived, but other times there are ongoing issues between cats. “Cats are naturally quite territorial creatures and territorial aggression may develop if they feel an
World Antibiotics Awareness Week – 18-24 November Antibiotics are essential medications used to treat or prevent bacterial infection. However there is growing concern over resistance to antibiotics in bacteria found in both humans and other animals, which can affect treatments provided to both humans and animals.  World Antimicrobial Awareness Week aims to increase awareness of global antimicrobial
I’ve been making and donating cloth face masks through a Facebook group I joined when the pandemic first started. If we need to wear masks, why not make them fun?! There are all kinds of masks out there — some with nose pieces, some with filter pockets, some with casings, some medical-grade.The ones here are
This post contains affiliate links* As someone who’s been working from home for years, that aspect of the last few months is nothing new for me, but many of you have been having your first experience with feline-assisted work for the first time this year. In Working from Home with a Cat, Heidi Moreno reminds
’Tis the season for gratitude. It can be hard, given all that 2020 has thrown at us, but sometimes it’s healthy to take a step back and be thankful for all we have. As cat parents, we are thankful for Kitty’s snuggles, antics and companionship. But, are our cats thankful for us? “We have this
Pets have a tendency to eat all sorts of strange things. And vet charity PDSA has seen it all – from dogs that have eaten socks and slippers, toys and even dentures to cats who’ve swallowed a needle and thread or eaten a metal clasp and plastic packaging. Pets get themselves into all sorts of
The beauty of the Thanksgiving holiday is reflected in the happy faces of family and friends gathered together — felines included. But, not all Turkey Day traditions are good for kitties. Follow these tips to ensure a safe Thanksgiving with cats! From toxic foods to unsafe decor, Thanksgiving can be a dangerous holiday for your cats! Photography ©EEI_Tony
Cats Protection has launched its first ever branded range of products – The Cat Care Collection.  The high quality range has been approved by the Cats Protection veterinary team and is available from and in selected Cats Protection shops in time for Christmas. The range comprises 18 products, two of which are exclusive – a litter
This post contains affiliate links* I have to be honest: when I first received the pitch to review a toy called KittyWhip, I almost declined. It just seemed like such an awful name for a cat toy. But once I took a look at the toys, I decided to accept – and I’m so glad
It’s 4 a.m., and your cat is meowing in your ear. Is it a series of shorts mews or in rapid-fire succession? When a toddler accidentally pulls your kitty’s tail, what is your feline saying when she hisses at this little person? Cats have a large repertoire of sounds. Every year veterinary behaviorists discover more