Good To Know

Although we’ve had to put a pause on outpatient clinics this year, our vets and animal care staff are still hard at work behind the scenes; helping cats and dogs on the streets and in our shelter. Recently we were called out to assist six-year-old Blue, a stray tabby who suddenly found herself with a
This post contains affiliate links* Last week, I shared my list of my top 5 cat books. Usually, I have a hard time choosing just one book as book of the year, bu this year the choice was easy: P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna, the first ever gift book for people who are
It’s nearly the start of 2021 and you might be starting to think about resolutions for the New Year – so why not include your pet in your resolutions? PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing said: “If you have a hard time sticking to promises you make yourself – doing something for our pets might be
A therapist friend of mine often says “just another flipping growth experience!” when life throws challenges at her. Well, she uses a different “f” word, but you get the idea. Her words always pop into my mind when things get tough – and as far as tough goes, this year wins hands down over any
Kitty Cafe have teamed up with Nottingham’s innovators – ProtoHype, to produce and launch a feeding bowl for your feline friends called the Kitty Bowl, to make mealtimes much comfier for your precious furbabies! What is the Kitty Bowl? The Kitty Bowl is a pair of glass bowls that are elevated on a sturdy, stylish, brightly coloured stand, absolutely
One of the few bright spots in this challenging year has been that more people than ever before have fostered or adopted cats. One of these adoptions came with quite a surprise to New York Times columnist Carla Bruce-Eddings: When a friend texted her “do you want a kitten,” she immediately agreed. Only, the kitten
We’ve got the scoop on 20 of the most popular cat breeds — from size to grooming needs and everything else you’ll need to know. Highly trainable and amenable to walking on leash, the Abys is one of the most popular cat breeds. Photo: Dixi | Getty Images Abyssinian In the Abyssinian alphabet, A is
Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! So my siblings and I have been very good cats this year! And look what we found on the door when we woke up today? 😀 A fish stocking filled with treats!!! But is there enough in there for the five of us? o.o Oliver: I found a new mouse
I’ve always loved Clement Clarke Moore’s poem The Night Before Christmas. Over the years, there have been many cat versions of the poem out there, but none better than the one dictated to Harry Shubin by the Ghost of Catmas Future on a dark winter night. T’was the night after the adoption event,And all through the
With the holidays upon us, I asked my cat, Stella, what she thinks of carolers. It went about as expected. Hey Stella, what do you think about caroling?Is that when the neighbors attack us? They don’t attack us, Stella.Waltzing up the front walk, howling and screeching, displaying TEETH — that’s apex-predator behavior right there. That’s
This post contains affiliate links* I don’t keep track of the number of books I read each year, but my best guess is somewhere between 150 and 200, and at least half of them have something to do with cats. I review books here on The Conscious Cat on a regular basis . I made a commitment
Momma Kitty may look disheveled and angry in the post-wildfire photo that circulated — but, miraculously, the popular cat who lived under a California store survived. Cressman’s General Store and Gas Station, which had stood near the town of Shaver Lake since 1904, burned to rubble in the Creek Fire near Fresno on September 7,
My friends have heard me complain about my spouse’s loud snoring. A snoring cat, however, has never bothered me. My beloved cat Crispy, who died in 2017, was a notorious snorer. I found her rhythmic respiratory sounds soothing and reassuring. If the environmental sound generator on my nightstand had a “Crispy Snoring” setting, I would
Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I want to tell you about one of my favorite toys. Mom says it’s not really a cat toy, but I think it must be, because anything that is this much fun can’t just be for humans. The toy lives in a drawer in our bedroom, and it often doesn’t come
PDSA vets provide top tips for keeping pets happy With shorter and darker days here, PDSA vets are urging pet owners to start thinking about how they can keep their pets happy and healthy over the winter months ahead. PDSA Vet Lynne James said: “With the cold and dark months ahead there are some important
Ever since I put up my Christmas tree Thanksgiving week, memories of past holidays have been flooding in. In past years, there have always been a few tears mixed in with the smiles as I recall the history of each ornament. In this extraordinary year, these memories have been bringing more sadness than smiles as
Greetings pawsome humans and cat cohorts. It’s Forrest, popping up again with a topic most would never consider. Do cats get acne? To answer this, let me squeeze in a quick tale. When I was staying at my foster home, I had a friend with some serious sensitivities. She was a Himalayan mix and as
Bifford is the only cat in the family to enjoy out-of-state road trips. He flirts with the staff at his veterinarian’s office and is his family’s most successful mouse hunter among the other cats — and two dogs — he lives with. Last year, Bifford ran for president, on a platform of adoption advocacy, specifically
The Cat Who Cried Closet by Apara Mahal Sylvester Babe came into our lives in 2018. I adopted her from a local animal rescue organization after seeing her sweet face on an online post. Babe is a petite little girl with lovely grey-silver coloring and striking amber colored eyes. She is beautiful, and she knows
Today marks the anniversary of the day I had to let Ruby go. I had plans to write a lengthy post filled with memories for this anniversary, but memories are a funny thing: sometimes, they make you smile, and sometimes, they’re like a punch to the gut. And while writing is healing for me most