Good To Know

Did you set a New Year’s resolution to increase the amount of exercise you’re getting? Don’t forget to include your cats in that resolution. Physical exercise is important for cats of all ages. Like with people, cats who get regular exercise are generally happier and healthier both physically and emotionally. How much exercise do cats
Please find below a guest story from Gene: A tiny face, pink nose and big eyes peered out from a shelter’s cage. Our volunteer quickly pointed out she was to be euthanized the following day. We put aside thoughts of the kitties we’d considered. Let’s take that little calico and name her Gypsy. The adventure
This post contains affiliate links* The Refined Cat Wallet from Triple T Studios is back by popular demand! This roomy wallet features playful embroidery outlined cat silhouettes on the front. The back is a solid color. A sturdy zipper closure keeps all your valuables safely tucked inside, and detachable wrist strap turns it into a
In my volunteer job as a cat socializer at a private shelter near my home, I met a lot of cats. But the one that stood out the most for me in the two years I spent petting kitties was a special guy named Blue. I first saw Blue on a day when I walked
Savvy cat guardians know that to stop cats from scratching furniture, one must provide correct stimulation and alternatives for scratching. Cats love well designed scratching posts, and the placement of such alternatives to furniture can make all the difference. I’ve done this, and my cats don’t bother my new furniture at all. Cats are also clever
I would guess that most of us were pretty happy to say goodbye to 2020. However, given how 2021 started, right now it’s hard not to wonder whether this year will really be that much better, which is why it’s more important than ever to hone our coping skills and learn new ones. There is
Dubbed a national treasure in her homeland of Turkey, the Turkish Angora is an elegant creature with a remarkable assemblage of skills that will leave your jaw on the floor. But before we touch on her extraordinary talents, let’s learn a bit more about the elegant lady of the hour. The Turkish Angora is a
Cats are inquisitive creatures who love to explore and investigate environments by sniffing or tasting them. When you bring a cat into your home, they’re sure to be curious about their surroundings but unlike humans, they can’t identify dangers as easily. You may have hidden hazards in your garden that could pose a threat to
For George by Susan Davies: He was an ordinary, two a penny, black and white cat, The sort that you see everywhere, a standard ‘Postman Pat’, I got him from a rescue place, one April afternoon, And then I brought him home, where he inspected every room. A ‘Welcome’ tin of tuna was devoured, the
Dr. Kwane Stewart, known as “The Street Vet,” has been a practicing vet for 22 years throughout California. Early in his career he had the difficult task of euthanizing unwanted/unclaimed cats and kittens at an overcrowded shelter. To cope mentally, he had to detach himself emotionally. But one kitten — Sushi — stood out with
The following article first appeared on iCatCare: If you are part of a larger organisation which is dealing with unowned cats undertaking trap, neuter and return (TNR) or feeding colonies, then they have probably given you direction and advice on how to deal with the many different situations which may arise during the coronavirus pandemic
Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I want to tell you about something fun that happens sometimes in our living room. It doesn’t happen all the time. It seems like it only happens on sunny days, and only at a certain time of day. It’s kind of hard to describe, but it’s like a whole bunch of