Good To Know

Laid-back, yet lively and with looks to kill, this feline will snuggle her way into your good graces with one slow blink of her expressive eyes, one quick peek at her sweet smile and one quick touch of her plush coat. What’s in a name? Just the Exotic. One name, like Madonna. Sometimes known as
This month, iCatCare’s feline wellbeing panel member, Dr Lauren Finka discusses her recent published research.   They say a picture paints a thousand words, but when it comes to our notoriously enigmatic felines, is this really true? Just like their closest ancestors (the African or near-eastern wildcat), our domestic cats come fully equipped with some impressive biological functions that enable them to do much of their communicating ‘in absentia’. For example, cats possess special skin glands located over
Pandemic wall: a particular, often sudden feeling, of emotional and spiritual exhaustion in the time of Covid. The term was popularized by New York public radio host Tanzina Vega, but the term “hitting the wall” originated in endurance sports such as running or cycling, and is a condition of sudden fatigue and loss of energy.
Cats are natural hunters and in need of daily exercise. A simple way to increase the amount of activity in your cat’s day is to stop feeding your cat in a bowl and allow your cat to “hunt” for their meals.  Instead of just putting your cat’s meals into a bowl or on a dish, you
Hi everyone, Please find below the guest story of Tripi by Lisset B.: I have always been an animal lover as far back as I can remember. Growing up and find this passion and love to saving cats and other animals. I dream to live on a farm with many animals one day. My life
Dr. Marty Goldstein is a holistic veterinarian who has spent 45 years in general practice and who is one of the leading voices in integrative veterinary medicine. In The Spirit of Animal Healing: An Integrative Medicine Guide to a Higher State of Well-being, Dr. Goldstein provides readers with comprehensive information to keep their pets healthy
Everyone knows of the lazy cat stereotype, but in reality cats aren’t supposed to lie around all the time. In fact, cats who live strictly indoors are often far too sedentary. “We’ve come to realize that cats kept exclusively indoors often don’t get enough mental or physical stimulation,” says Dr. Terri A. Derr, founder of
I’m a cat person, and the purr of a cat has been my lullaby. The purrs of cats are contentment and happiness. They are loved and cared for and of course, love their humans. How cats purr Many studies have been done, and one of the theories is that this process begins in the cat’s
This post contains affiliate links* Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I have something super exciting to share with you! You may remember that Mom shared a beautiful drawing of me last year, created by an artist in England. That’s a country far far away from here. Does that mean I’m now internationally famous? Anyway, Mom almost
After a three month hiatus, we’re delighted to welcome back Dr. Lynn Bahr and our “Ask the Cat Doc” segment! Once a month, Dr. Bahr answers as many of your questions as she can, and you can leave new questions for her in a comment. Dr. Bahr graduated from the University of Georgia College of
Author Terry Pratchett said, “In ancient times, cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this.” When you hear this phrase, do you automatically think of ancient Egyptian cat goddesses and cat gods? Probably. Do you think of any other cultures when it comes to cat goddesses, cat gods and worshipping cats? Probably not. But
This Valentine’s Day, Battersea is looking back on some of the strangest pairings to have blossomed inside the much-loved animal charity’s iconic gates. From cuddly kittens and lovable Labradors to little and large dogs falling for one another, Battersea has seen its fair share of friendships over its 160-year history.  Becky MacIver, Rehoming and Welfare
February 14, 2021 Categories: Author’s Life Happy Valentine’s Day from Allegra and Ingrid We’re taking a break from our usual Sunday column this week because we’re too busy enjoying our treats – salmon for Allegra, chocolate for me! We’ll be back with new Sunday Quotes next Sunday. Categories Archives Archives © Copyright The Conscious Cat
Greetings, pawsome human minions. Forrest the cat here, coming to you about a topic I really don’t care for, but it must be discussed anyway. You know how sometimes caring for your health brings tasks you’d rather not do but have to? Well, this is one of those. I’m not too fond of dental day,
By Carol Wierzbicki Here’s Olaf, showing off his snow-white belly for Tummy Rub Tuesday. He and his sister Hilda come from a litter that was found at the Ingersoll Houses in Brooklyn a couple of years ago. When Inga, the mother, gave birth to 6 kittens they were all given Swedish names! Olaf is probably