Good To Know

My younger sister and I spent endless hours playing the original Memory game when we were kids. It’s been fun seeing newer versions of the game crop up — especially when cats are involved! This version in particular is hilarious. Have you ever noticed how some people look just like their pets? Well, you’re in
I love fresh air, and so does Allegra, and we both love having the breeze come in through the open screened windows. Unfortunately, window screens can be an invitation for disaster if they’re not secure enough to prevent your indoor cat from getting out. Even worse, if you live on a higher floor, falls through
You keep your Kitty indoors at all times. Then you get a call from your vet — she tested positive for worms and fleas. You think, “Really? Can an indoor cat get fleas and worms? How is this possible?” The bad news is that even an indoor only cat can get fleas and worms, says Dr.
This post is sponsored by Assisi Animal Health* After Allegra was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism at the beginning of this year, I immediately started her on Assisi treatments. Ultimately, all disease is caused by inflammation in the body, and since she was also overgrooming and showed some occasional mild possibly IBD related symptoms, it just made
Growing up an only child on acreage, Samantha Ginsburg was no stranger to finding friendship in the cats and dogs on the property. The experience didn’t just teach her the importance of the human-animal bond but also pragmatic care, husbandry and responsibility. “We lived on a couple acres, and people would always dump unfixed cats
An unprecedented coalition of 50 animal welfare charities is urging the UK Government not to waste a ‘once-in-a-generation opportunity’ to redefine our relationship with animals through a new animal health and welfare strategy. The group has released a new vision for animal welfare “Act Now For Animals” – setting out the sector’s priorities for creating
Last Sunday I got my second Covid jab, and relief doesn’t even begin to describe what I felt. It truly feels like the end of this year-long nightmare is finally getting closer, and I can’t wait to resume some activities I haven’t felt comfortable with for over a year. I’ve got one more week to
If a beautiful behemoth is what you’re seeking in a feline companion, the Maine Coon has what you’re looking for. The loyal, dignified, majestic Maine Coon represents all of this and more — and does so while serving some serious #hairgoals. Maine attraction Believed to be the oldest cat breed native to North America, the
According to The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, between 6 and 10 million Americans are allergic to cats or other pets. If you’re an allergy sufferer who also happens to be a cat lover, you may be interested in low-allergen cats. But what makes a cat hypoallergenic? Low-allergen, or hypoallergenic cats, are those
Having been the beneficiary of the profound changes cats can bring into our lives for a good part of my own life, I always enjoy memoirs about life changing cats. In The Cat with Three Passports: What a Japanese cat taught me about an old culture and new beginning, CJ Fentiman shares the story of
My cat, Stella, never met a bowl of wet food she didn’t like, which has become an issue in her later years. I decided to broach the topic, gently. ©cglade | Getty Images Hey, Stella — it seems like you’ve put on a few pounds lately. I know! Isn’t it great? I feel like a
A popular misconception is that cats age seven years (in human years) for each calendar year. In fact, feline aging is much more rapid during the first two years of life. A cat reaches the approximate human age of 15 during his first year, then 24 at age 2. Each year thereafter, a cat ages approximately four
It’s week two of the Agria CatWalk & your second chance to win up to £1,000 for the UK cat rescue of your choice! This week @agriapetuk will be donating another £2,500 to UK cat rescues chosen by you as we embrace those ‘Messy Models’! The Agria CatWalk celebrates the ‘anti-model’ We know that every
It is estimated that 50-90% of all adult cats have dental health problems, with periodontal disease being the number one culprit. The good news is that most dental conditions are preventable and treatable, if caught early. The only way dental disease can be diagnosed definitively is via a thorough oral exam by your cat’s veterinarian.
The word “dogged” describes cat champion Dr. Jennifer Conrad perfectly. She is the founder and director of The Paw Project, which educates the public about why declawing cats is inhumane, with the goal of getting this painful surgery banned completely in the United States and Canada. And while there is a long way to go,