Good To Know

As I’ve been re-emerging into post-pandemic live, I’ve been thinking a lot about priorities. Rather than just returning to normal, I am determined to make conscious choices about how I spend my time and who I spend it with. If nothing else, this past year has been a glaring reminder of just how short life
Hi everyone, Please find below a guest story from Louise and her cat Kizzy: Kizzy is a rescue cat who came to us at 6 months old. Her story before she was found by Cat’s Protection is unknown, but she was found wandering, afraid and alone, very nervous and disliked her back being touched. She
One of the wonderful things that came out of the pandemic was the creativity of artists from around the world collaborating virtually to create beautiful music. And because everything is better with cats, South African musician David Scott turned his cat’s meow into a lovely song: [embedded content] And then, things got even more magical:
Cat adoption is associated with greater empathy and less separation anxiety for autistic children, according to a study published online in December in the Journal of Pediatric Nursing. The study, which was the first randomized controlled trial of cat adoption in families of children with autism spectrum disorders, was funded by the Human Animal Bond
Your cat pees on your bed. She leaves tootsie rolls just outside the litter box. Or, you see the urine on your pile of fresh, clean clothes. What’s happening? Is kitty mad at you? The answer is no. Might be a medical issue According to Dr. Carlo Siracusa, director of Ryan Hospital’s Companion Behavior Medicine
With summer on the horizon, many of us are looking forward to spending more sunny days in our gardens. We might like to think of our gardens as our own little haven – and the same should apply for our pets. PDSA Vet Nurse Nina Downing, said: “There are unfortunately many hidden hazards in our
This post contains affiliate links* We previously featured high-sided litter boxes to help you contain the mess inside the box rather than all around the box. Even though all of these boxes have lower entrance areas, they may still be too high for senior cats, especially cats with arthritis. Arthritis is a common condition that
Water is critical to keeping your cat healthy. Cats as a species don’t have a high thirst drive, and this can lead to chronic low-level dehydration if a cat is fed mostly dry food. Proper hydration can help prevent urinary tract disease and promote healthy kidney function by flushing toxins. Fountains are a great way to encourage
Common Causes of Tearing The medical term epiphora means excessive tearing. In general, when we investigate the reasons for epiphora, we can narrow it down to two broad categories: excessive tear production or inadequate tear drainage. Tearing is the proper response by the eyes when something is irritating them. Dust, chemicals, smog and smoke can
For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been on what I call my post-pandemic reunion tour, meeting friends I hadn’t seen in over a year for lunches and dinners at favorite restaurants. And it was glorious. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I feel lighter, everything feels brighter, and, well, normal. There were
The following guest story is by ©Kim Marie Ostrowski and first appeared on her HubPages blog. Previously a writer on Squidoo 2008- folded. I write about entertainment, crafts, writing, beauty and anything else that inspires me My Silly Sully This is the story of how I came to adopting that Cute little pinky Nose to
This post contains affiliate links* I don’t often re-read books, but a handful of cat books that have become such treasures, I read them again and again. When I recently re-read May Sarton’s The Fur Person, I decided it was time to share it with you again. Originally published in 1957, The Fur Person is one of
Sponsored content brought to you by Sleepypod. Yes, you too can teach your cat tricks. Trick training is a great way to bond together, while also providing enrichment through mental stimulation. To get started in trick training with your cat, keep your sessions short. Five to 10 minutes is plenty of time, just set aside