Good To Know

Cats have a gift for seeing favorable and unfavorable opportunities and applying the “what’s in it for me?” factor. If cats were asked what they were grateful for this Thanksgiving, they’d say their superpowers. Cats are grateful for each one. Here are six of them. Shape-shifting ©Getty Images How many times have we wondered, “How
If you have a cat, there’s no doubt you’ve been fascinated by its eyes. Cats have captivating and uniquely shaped pupils and interesting eye colouring. It’s also amazing how can they stare at you so intently without a hint of expression. Hopefully, you’ll be staring back into healthy eyes: moist, clear and without any redness,
Quick Facts Weight: 6 – 7 pounds | male4 – 5 pounds | female Height: 6-8 inches The Look of a Singapura Resembling a mini-Cheetah, the Singapura sports oversized, almond-shaped eyes, a tabby “M” on the forehead, petite round-shaped face and a blunt nose. Its small stature is muscular and feels heavier than it looks.
If I haven’t said it enough, I’ll say it again; France, and its cat cafes are first-rate! The Neighbor’s Cat visited ten French cat cafes in November, 2017 and is considered the highlight of my cat travels.  You see, in France, they don’t just settle for a few cute kitties and a cup of coffee,
echo adrotate_ad(324, array(“wrapper” => “yes”, “site” => “no”)); Tags: Purrs of Wisdom, Sunday Quotes 3 Comments on Sunday Quotes: Smile I so enjoy the Sunday quotes and the cat photos that accompany them. A great way to start a new week! Just seeing the cat smile, makes me smile! I love this. Happy Sunday!
Many people would look at Buddy the cat’s traumatic attack, his remarkable rescue and recovery story and say he found his human angel and that his destiny was meant to be. A rough start but a happy ending The poor, black kitty’s ordeal started last March in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, when two dogs, nudged on by
When I started The Conscious Cat on March 1, 2009,  I really didn’t know what I was doing. I had finished writing Buckley’s Story: Lessons from a Feline Master Teacher, and as a first time author, I knew I needed to do something to “build a platform.” Back then, authors were told to start a
September 2022 Pawlidays Smile! September is Happy Cat Month! Photography ©ADogsLifePhoto/Thinkstock All Month Long: Animal Pain Awareness Month Happy Cat Month Disaster Preparedness Month World Animal Remembrance Month Week-long 19-25: Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week On Sept. 1, we celebrate those sweet and sassy ginger cats! Photography ©Aksenovko | Getty Images. Day-long: 1: Ginger Cat Appreciation Day 13:
August 2022 Pawlidays All Month Long: Itchy Pet Awareness Month National Immunization Awareness Month Day-long: 8 International Cat Day 15 Check the Chip Day 17 National Black Cat Appreciation Day 20 International Homeless Animals’ Day 22 National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day 28 Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day 30 National Holistic Pet Day ©RapidEye
You know when you stumble upon a new cat and you immediately bond! Well, this unknown street beauty actually put on a proper show for me. I don’t know her/ his name but because of the grace he/ she demonstrated I will call this cat “Ballerina”. Ballerina was hiding at first when I rocked up
Once again something appears to be a miss! Oliver has managed to break through the octopus defences and broke in under the TV! Oliver: *Singing* In my house UNDER theeeee TV! Next to an Oct-to-pus! meow meow! *getting louder* IN MY HOUSEEEEEE UNDER THE TV. (The humans are struggling to watch TV…) Oliver: IN MY
Greetings, Katzenworld readers! Last time, we visited four cat cafes across France, and I hope you enjoyed their delightful charms. Today, we will travel to three more feline focused coffee shops, all stylish, yet different in their approach.  One features rescue kitties available for adoption, while another hosts a clowder of pedigreed Maine Coons, and
DENVER/July 28, 2022 – Morris Animal Foundation announced today it is accepting research proposals to advance the field of feline oncology, with a preference for innovations likely to lead to significant advances in diagnosis or therapy. This request for proposals is funded by Blue Buffalo, a Morris Animal Foundation donor since 2006, and Canadian company Pet Valu through the Foundation’s Donor-Inspired Study
This post contains affiliate links* I love Lucy Burdette’s  Key West Food Critic mystery series. After all, what’s not to love! With cats, a tropical setting, and mouth-watering food (with some recipes included), this series has all the ingredients for purrfect escapist reading. And who doesn’t need to escape from reality these days! A Dish to
Veterinary medicine has been keeping up with state-of-the-art human medicine, and there are many regenerative therapies available to target serious medical problems along with various technologies to enhance health awareness. The collective goals are to reduce physical pain and suffering, and thus improve feline well-being so that cats can live their best lives. Here are
This is a sponsored post* Animals are classified as three different types of eaters: herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Carnivores eat a meat-based diet while herbivores eat a plant-based diet. Omnivores eat both meat and plants. Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they need meat not just to survive, but to thrive. Nutritional needs of obligate
August 22 has been designated as National Take Your Cat to the Vet Day, and while it may not be your cat’s favorite “holiday,” it’s an important day designed to raise awareness that cats need regular check ups. 83% of cats are taken to the vet during the first year after they’re adopted, yet over