Good To Know

You may have seen the headlines: “Study: Cats May Legitimately Be Psychopaths.” “Is  Your Cat a Psychopath? Probably, Researchers Say.” “If Cats Were People, They’d Probably be Psychopaths, Scientists Say.” I cringed every time I saw one of those headlines, not just because they are simply ridiculous and ultimately harmful to cats, but also, because
The holidays are upon us, and I asked my cat, Stella, about caroling. She was in a mood. If she hasn’t apologized by the end, please accept my heartfelt one at the beginning. Hey Stella, are you ready for all the holiday carolers to drop by this year? Again? What are we, doctors? Don’t humans
“I’m meowditating. I won’t be disturbed.Purrrrr fang mew omni nom…..repeat….Purrrrr fang mew omni nom …kneed feet….Now hush ! No vacuum ! I won’t be disturbed. That exercise class went so well last night.I led her furry tiny tigers soThrough all their paces: swift and soft and slowThose whirling fuzzballs through each wild delight. I learned
This post contains affiliate links* If you’ve followed me for a while, you know that I’m a big fan of Okaysou’s air purifiers. We already have four of them, one in our living room, one in the dining room, my bedroom, and one in our family room aka kitty playroom. Pega 100 features The Pega
Annie Butler Shirreffs Annie Butler Shirreffs has worked in the pet industry for 20 years and is currently the senior editor of Catster and Dogster magazines. A cat lover since she was a little girl, she has always had feline friends in her life. She and her husband share their Southern California home with their
This article first appeared on iCatCare here. Whilst it is understandable to be concerned if your cat has been given a diagnosis of a respiratory condition, such as feline asthma,  requiring use of inhaled therapy, there is plenty that can be done to positively train for successful and safe daily treatment. International Cat Care‘s feline behaviour
This post contains affiliate links* Losing a beloved cat is devastating. While there are commonalities in how we mourn, grief is a very individual experience, and no two people will deal with loss in exactly the same way. But there are some things that can help ease the pain of loss. Finding ways to memorialize
As the holiday season approaches, we all think about what we’ll add to the all-important letter to Santa — cats included. We may assume they’d ask for the typical toys and treats, but their feline minds reach a bit further than we’d expect. Here are six goodies cats really want for Christmas. Streaming-service subscription A
You may associate purring with feelings of happiness. It can be the ultimate sound of acceptance — that your attention and affection are cherished and appreciated. When you’re petting your cat, brushing her or offering a favorite treat, contentment is likely what your cat is communicating. But cats purr for other reasons. What are frequencies?
A Guardian journalist and mom of three-year-old Larry and six-month old Kedi set out to gain a deeper understanding of what makes her cats happy. She consulted with various experts, and wrote an article titled The inner lives of cats: what our feline friends really think about hugs, happiness and humans. “Over the course of
Annie Butler Shirreffs Annie Butler Shirreffs has worked in the pet industry for 20 years and is currently the senior editor of Catster and Dogster magazines. A cat lover since she was a little girl, she has always had feline friends in her life. She and her husband share their Southern California home with their
Cats have fascinated us since time immemorial. Their habits, their moods, the mysterious workings of their minds all place us firmly under their spell. Maybe that’s why we consume so much material related to those kitties, including those fiendishly compelling cat videos! Whatever the reason, most of us are hooked on those furry little devils
I limit my news intake to a bare minimum. I never watch TV news. I try to only check my trusted news sources once a day, twice at the most. But even with all those limitations, I still struggle with the constant flow of information. Whether it’s “just a quick peek” at a news site,