Good To Know

Quick Facts Weight: 12 – 18 pounds The Look of a British Shorthair This breed puts the “r” in round: round face, round eyes, round ears, round torso and round paws. The British Shorthair is noted for its signature blue-colored coat that is dense and plush – designed to weather cold climates. However, cat registries
Do you remember your high school physical education classes? Some of us probably have fonder memories than others, depending on our love of volleyball, square dancing and ability to bring a “please excuse” note from home. Most cats’ days are a steady cycle of eating, sleeping, grooming and physical activity. Oh, and judging us —
Bradford Cat Watch, a rehoming partner of one of the world’s leading animal insurers, Agria Pet Insurance, receives five weeks free insurance for the animals that they rehome. Jimmy is a rescue cat who triumphed over adversity, after suffering tremendously. Arriving at Bradford Cat Watch in July 2021, Jimmy’s paws were incredibly sore, painful and
Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! I want to tell you about a new job I have: I’m Mom’s purrsonal trainer! Most mornings, Mom turns on the TV, but instead of sitting on the sofa with her legs stretched out so I can jump up on her lap, like she does in the evenings, she jumps around
Imagine if the only food available to you were peanut butter-and-jelly sandwiches. Even if you did love PBJs, you would probably be sick of them, making mealtime more boring than welcoming. You really are what you eat — and so is your cat. Like you, your cat needs and deserves a quality diet that adjusts
This giveaway is sponsored by Assisi Animal Health Cats are masters at hiding pain, which makes it hard for even the most dedicated cat parent to recognize. By the time pain become obvious, chronic pain may have already had a considerable impact on the cat’s quality of life. While there are conventional pain medications that
The time may come when you need to set up an emergency litter box. Perhaps you just rescued a kitten who is staying in your bathroom overnight, or you may suddenly need to travel with your cat. Maybe you can’t get your hands on an actual litter box, or you don’t have room for a
Concerns have recently been raised about the risk of contamination of waterways by parasiticides commonly used in companion animals. As these products are harmful to a wide range of invertebrates, the impact that these can have on wildlife and ecosystems cannot be dismissed. iCatCare/ISFM support the British Veterinary Association (BVA), British Small Animal Veterinary Association
I couldn’t resist and had to make up a Super Bowl graphic for today. I haven’t paid attention to football in many years, but I will be watching at least part of the game with friends this evening. As far as I’m concerned, it’s all about the food and the commercials, even though we may
Indoor cats usually live longer because they’re not exposed to the elements and to dangers such as traffic, predators, animal abusers and disease. Being an indoor cat they require physical and mental stimulation to make their lives happier. With some simple decorating ideas you can make your home into a cat-friendly environment. Be sure to
Intelligence is something some cats are born with, just as some people are more blessed. However, the trick is making the most of what kitty has early on and then to maintain it throughout a lifetime. Some cats may seem brilliant because they’ve been trained to perform all sorts of “circus tricks,” like offering a
Right so how am I going to get my toys from up there… You! Human! Will you get me my toys? Come on… How pretty do I have to look before you will get them for me? <3 Signed by His Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief Advertisements We regularly write about all things
This post contains affiliate links* If you’ve read this blog for a while, you’ve heard me talk about 1TDC™ and about how much I love this supplement. I don’t use the term “miracle” lightly, but I am using it for this product. Allegra gets hers every single day. It considerably reduced her gingivitis and reduced
Hi everyone, Cats In the Snow A dizzying dazzling feline show Furry ballet  Tour jete Spinning and flying Catching the cold stuff Or at least trying Dance, whirl, pirouette Spin and leap and jet Multicolor madness But…oh my, sweet kits Still haven’t caught  that snow quite yet!Have a great day, my friend. Raffi The author
This post contains affiliate links* I previously featured these gorgeous bracelets, made from genuine gemstones. I love my tortie bracelet and wear it almost all the time. In fact, I love these braceltes so much that I included them in our 10 Best Cat Products of 2021. The bracelets are handmade from genuine gemstones with
Real estate developers tend to be seen as greedy, heartless sorts who couldn’t care less about what they might destroy in pursuit of their aims. Smash and grab, if you will. But not all of them are like that. About three years ago, I moved to the East Beach neighborhood in Norfolk, Virginia, which for
When David Giovanni spotted a group of people crowded around an injured kitten outside the 233rd Street subway station in New York City, his natural instinct was to scoop up the helpless kitty and offer it warmth and safety inside his shirt. A former construction manager who was homeless at the time — and has
How to prevent your pet from swallowing strange things From children’s toys and rubber ducks, through to underwear and socks, our furry friends can eat some bizarre objects. Some pets accidentally swallow things whilst exploring, but for those pets that consistently eat unusual objects; this condition does in fact have its own name — ‘pica’.