Good To Know

Imagine tripling, even quadrupling, your body weight in less than six months. Yikes! But such rapid weight gain is a must for a kitten’s survival. Kittens weigh just a few ounces at birth and, by 6 months of age, should weigh between 5 to 6 pounds. By their first birthdays, they should tip the scales
Hi everyone, Please find below a guest story submission from Susan about her cat Sissy: Sissy is a gray and black marble cat who came to live with us 3 years ago when she was about 4 weeks old and weighed 1 pound. She is a much loved and an important member of our family.
Mostly everyone with an indoor cat will spay or neuter, or at least they might intend to do it until they stumble upon misinformation on the internet or simply procrastinate. “One problem is that people can wait too long, unaware that, oops, some kittens start to cycle as early as 5 months, and many at 6
This article first appeared on iCatCare here. From around the age of 4 months, kittens reach sexual maturity and are therefore capable of breeding and producing kittens themselves. Most people do not have the time or desire to breed from their cat and do not wish to add to the number of unwanted cats and
Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Today is my 12th Adoption Anniversary! Twelve years ago today, Mom brought me home to live with her and Amber. Sadly, I never got to know Amber really well, because she passed away six weeks after I arrived. Then it was just Mom and me for almost a year before Ruby joined our family and we
I asked my senior cat, Stella, about the new kitten in the neighborhood. She went right for the jugular. Hey Stella, did you notice the new kitten next door? Indeed. The neighborhood is going downhill. Aw, she’s adorable, Stella. I don’t think TikToking all day is “adorable.” The kitten is TikToking? Of course she is.
The relationship between cats and guinea pigs can best be described as complicated. While many animal species can exist peacefully in the same environment, pairing a cat and a guinea pig requires proper planning and patience. Cats are predatory by nature and will see the guinea pig as prey. They also mark their territories. If
Cats have been a part of Istanbul’s history for thousands of years. They are given free reign in this city of 15 million humans. You may recall the 2016 film Kedi, beautifully-shot documentary that tracks the stories of seven cats that live on Istanbul’s streets and showcases the city’s love of cats. A recent article
Catification hacks are a true test of your creativity, but they can result in something totally unique and cool. Just find a piece of furniture or other item that wasn’t designed for a cat and modify to make it into exactly what you’re looking for. This can be as simple as tossing a blanket inside
Hi everyone, Please find below a Guest Story from Alyssa L. I had been wanting a cat for awhile. When I moved in with my partner, Scott, he told me the only way we could get a cat is if I put together a power point presentation with all the info needed to add a
Congratulations, Brian Frum!  You’re the winner of our 13th anniversary giveaway: a prize package from Sleepypod! Look for an email from Ingrid.* For more information about Sleepypod and their products, visit *Winners are selected by random drawing. Winners need to provide a physical address to which the prize will be mailed within 72 hours
All Month: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month; National Pet Month; National Pet First-Aid Awareness Month; National Heartworm Awareness Month Through Summer 2023: Cats! An Exploration of the Felines That Occupy Every Aspect of Our Lives This speCATular exhibition is all about felines and the way they have influenced our homes, our art and our
Hi everyone, Following on from the poem Wanda please find below the latest entry from author Abbie Johnson Taylor REMEMBERING HOWARD What a name for a cat, I thoughtwhen Mother suggested it,but I was only seven or eightso what did I know, right? A gray kitten with tiger stripes,we thought she was a male.After the vet
Brad Madson is a Minnesota cat owner who wants his kitty, Minnie Mae Kickstand, to get the best nutrition possible. His feline, known as Kiki, has feline leukemia, so the retired professional sports executive is careful when it comes to what he feeds her. Brad was surprised when a local pet food company announced a
It’s hard to believe Ruby has been gone more than two years after being diagnosed with advanced kidney disease. Some days I still miss my little girl so much, it actually feels like a physical ache. I’m grateful I have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections on this site to comfort me and remind me of some of the
There are few things more exciting than bringing a cat or a kitten into your home for the first time. Before an adult cat or kitten takes up permanent residence in your home, a visit to the veterinarian is in order to make sure things start out on the right paw. Let’s review your kitty’s
Several years ago, I began my adoption quest to find a kitten filled with confidence and curiosity. I met several felines at a number of animal shelters, but each came with a deal breaker: too shy or terrified of dogs or diagnosed with a chronic health condition. Then I discovered a spunky ginger kitten at
RSPCA launches new ‘Save Our Breath’ campaign calling on public to help save beloved but ‘flawed’ dog breeds. While we usually do not cover dog focussed content we thought it would be worthwhile sharing these efforts as the more people share this more likely people will take notice. British bulldog Brutus is just two-years-old but
If ever there was a time when the world needs healing, this is it. But where and how do we even start in the face of so much suffering? Ultimately, healing the world begins with each individual. Katie Krimitsos and her Women’s Meditation Network have offered a meditation that couldn’t have come at a better