
There are so many products on the market today and while some work better than others, I personally prefer a natural remedy for the protection of my dogs and young children. My Greyhounds, Shiraz (6) and Buffett (11), have had their share of accidents in the home. We had a friend’s dog over recently and
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Question: How do I find and remove a tick from my dog? Answer: How to find ticks During tick season — which is spring and summer in some places, but can be year-round in milder climates — give your dog a tick check after every walk outside in brush or woods.
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) There are lots of special products on the market, but this simple home remedy, developed by chemists, should do the trick. It works by chemically neutralizing the compounds in skunk spray that smell so bad. Combine all the ingredients in an open bowl or bucket and start rubbing the mixture into
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) I take my dog to a groomer. Am I supposed to tip? If so, what is the standard amount? Certainly a tip is not appropriate if your Chihuahua comes back smelling like a garbage dump or your Husky returns with a Poodle cut. (Unless, of course, you specifically requested that Nanook
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Grooming is an important part of being a dog parent. Grooming doesn’t just make your pup look good, it’s an essential part of keeping them healthy. Overgrown nails, impacted anal glands, and bad teeth can cause pain, discomfort and in some cases, death. Brushing your dog’s teeth prevents all kinds of
(Picture Credit: Getty Images/jarih) Even though many of us pet parents have loved dogs for our whole lives, few of us have actually used a dog whistle before. What are dog whistles, exactly? What do people use them for? Do they whip dogs into a frenzy like in cartoons? A dog whistle, known also as
Article provided by: There are many things a new puppy owner has to think about and organize prior to bringing their “wee one” home and cleaning supplies is just one of them. It wouldn’t do to have the puppy have its first “accident” on the carpet and not have the right stuff on hand
(Picture Credit: Westend61/Getty Images) Just a few days into the New Year, people are hard at work trying to keep their New Year’s resolutions. They’re working out at the gym, or making a tighter budget, or maybe creating an online dating profile. But this January is also National Train Your Dog Month, so make a resolution
(Photo Credit: Shutterstock) Some household cleaning products are loaded with chemicals, and can be harmful to your pet after prolonged exposure. Today, rates of canine cancer are increasing, following the same trend of rates of human cancers, which has caused researchers to look more closely at a shared environmental pathogenesis. We are not immune to
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Training is usually a great thing for dogs. It keeps them well-behaved, mentally and physically stimulated, and bonded with their owners. However, too much of a good thing isn’t always a good thing. There are several circumstances where over-training your dog can be harmful and even undo all the hard work
All dogs can be potty trained. (Photo Credit: Shutterstock) It’s true that canines communicate very differently from humans, and marking–intentional urination–may be the most blatant example. Though it looks (and smells) identical, marking is not at all the same thing as elimination. If your dog has an accident indoors because he simply can’t hold it
(Picture Credit: sestovic/Getty Images) Even dogs who feel that a bath is cruel and unusual punishment have to get one once in a while. While some dogs with short coats can get away with just water, most dogs need shampoo. Why do dogs need their own kind of shampoo? Why can’t they just use whatever
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Fleas are a nuisance to both humans and animals. While there are many great products available to manage fleas on your pet, killing and preventing them in your home, carpet, and furnishings can be more difficult. Chemical solutions are not only toxic to fleas, but inconvenient to use and potentially dangerous
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Grooming your dog can be messy, difficult, and downright unpleasant, but it can be even worse for both you and your pup when you’re making mistakes without realizing it. Maybe you want to save some cash by doing the grooming yourself instead of relying on professionals. However, there’s a reason dog
(Picture Credit: Maya Karkalicheva/Getty Images) The more you can be around for your puppy to take them in and out for bathroom breaks, the more quickly they’ll pick up on their housetraining. But what if you can’t be there during the day? Or you’ve got a young puppy still vulnerable to catching diseases in public places
(Picture Credit: Getty Images) Growling is one of the many ways dogs communicate, and it’s important for humans who interact with dogs to understand what it means and the proper way to react. You might be surprised by your own natural ability to interpret growling. In a study on humans’ ability to understand dog growls,