An orphan kitten found a family to help her thrive and blossomed into a rambunctious personality. Winnie the ginger kittenKali @turtleandfosterfriends A kitten whose eyes were still closed, was brought to a local municipal shelter in Las Vegas, Nevada. Kali, a foster volunteer who specializes in critical cases, stepped up to help. “I was contacted
New tool to help treat feline injection site sarcomas the topic of latest Morris Animal Foundation podcast DENVER/June 9, 2021 – A new diagnostic tool for use in treating injection-site sarcomas is the topic of this month’s episode of Morris Animal Foundation’s “Fresh Scoop” podcast, available now for download and streaming. Host Dr. Kelly Diehl, the Foundation’s
Cannabis, also known as medical marijuana, remains a controversial topic. But more people are realizing how effective it is at treating the symptoms of many human conditions, from cancer and AIDS to multiple sclerosis, pain disorders, glaucoma, epilepsy and more. Cannabis is also being used to help treat pets, including cats, and for many similar
Hey peeps! Today’s video is going to be on the proper care of chinchillas. I tried my best to get all the right information and as much as I could into the video. so it’s a little longer than usual. Hope you guys enjoyed it and don’t forget to have a great week! Find us
DOGS never fail to make us LAUGH – FUNNY DOGS VIDEOS 
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Cats are possibly the most athletic, graceful animals on the planet. Certain breeds, like the Oriental Shorthair and Cornish Rex, can scale a mantel filled with knickknacks without knocking a single one over. It’s one of their most impressive talents. So why is the internet filled with videos that show cats knocking stuff off of
Hi everyone, With the end of lockdown restrictions in sight here in the UK we thought it would be a purrfect time to once again remind our readers about how to safely travel with their cats (or other pets!). One of our favourite famous travelling cats is of course Starina Esperanza Silvaz who safely travels with
Your pet is ready to go home after spinal surgery, now what? In this video, veterinary technician Vanessa will walk you through the steps you should take in order to ensure a speedy recovery and keep your pet comfortable after IVDD surgery. Download our handy instructions guide here!
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This post contains affiliate links* Arthritis, a condition that affects as many as 1 in 3 adult humans, also affects cats. Feline arthritis is a degenerative joint disease. The cartilage within the joint is worn down, leading to inflammation, pain and decreased quality of life. As the condition progresses, the friction can wear down to
Who doesn’t love puppies? They bring joy and life into anyone’s lives. Hope you all enjoy this one! LIKE, COMMENT, SUB, TELL YOUR FRIENDS! Be Safe ♥️ Subscribe for more Funny Vines ► ——————————————————————————————————— Funny Vines brings you the best compilations of the funniest clips on the Internet. We’ve got everything from fails to
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All content is used with appropriate licenses from CollabDRM and Vin Di Bona Productions. For more information, or to license anything contained in this video please email Funny Pet Videos brings you the best cute animal compilations, try not to laugh challenges, fails, wins, and hilarious viral videos. We feature dogs, cats, horses, pigs,
The Brazilian rainbow boa (Epicrates cenchria) is widely considered to be one of the most iridescent and beautiful of all snakes. They also have a reputation for being difficult pets to keep alive. Is this reputation warranted? Or is the Brazilian rainbow boa the best pet snake for you? #rainbowboa #brazilianrainbowboa #clintsreptiles ==== Enclosure: Water
Bathing a puppy for the first time is a very important experience and must be done correctly. It’s fundamental for their socialization period, as your dog should get used to regular baths so they are used to it when they become adults. Before bathing your dog for the first time you should take certain things
An orange kitten who was found as a stray, befriended a family cat and decided to follow her everywhere she goes. Thor the kitten and Alani the catHaneen Alrabeah A few weeks ago, Laila D’Souza, founder of the Winston Memorial Foundation, took in an orange tabby that had been rescued from a park. He was
Preventing and diagnosing ticks in pets Ticks are small parasites which feed on humans and animals alike. They’re more common in during the summer months, so time is ticking to give your pet the best chance of avoiding these potentially dangerous critters. Preventing Ticks PDSA Vet Nurse, Nina Downing said: “The best treatment is prevention,
“No cat, no life”, say many cat lovers. So today we have selected for you an issue dedicated to cats. You will see the funniest cats, cute kittens, playful cats, sly cats, sneaking cats, angry cats, which react so funny to the usual things for people. In the last video we asked you “Would you
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Guest post by Siena Lee-Tajiri I met Fred in 2012. He had a giant striped face, matted fur, and was as thin as a rail. He sat at the bottom of the front porch stairs but quickly darted under the orange tree when I came out. Well, you can imagine what happened next: as cat
Reptiles, amphibians, and tarantulas make awesome pets, but which ones are best for beginners? And which of those are good pets if you don’t have much space? Clint looks at five of the best beginner pets that are small enough to be housed comfortably in a ten gallon aquarium, or a 12x12x18 enclosure. These are
TRY NOT TO LAUGH while watching Funny Cats Video – Selection of jokes with Cat for a good mood!
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Charlie the chipmunk and Borjana have a special bond. They even have the same beauty mark. Charlie responds to exactly what she tells him, and gets SO jealous when she talks to another chipmunk. Keep up with Charlie on Instagram: and TikTok: Introducing Dodo swag! Love Animals? Subscribe: ¿Hablas español?:
Hey Guys! So I had to give these little monsters a bath and figured why not make a little vlog about it:) Any more questions feel free to comment below I will include them in the next cat video or try to answer them in the comments aswel! Also follow my Instagram for daily Stories
A kitten snuck into a yard and found help through the kindness of people. He turned into the sweetest lap cat. Mabrouk the stray kitten turned into a lap catChatons Orphelins Montréal About a month ago, a little orange tabby showed up crying in a resident’s backyard and wandered to their porch. His eyes were
To mark this year’s Armed Forces Day (Saturday 27 June) PDSA has been taking the opportunity to remember all the heroic animals who have served, and continue to serve, alongside the men and women in our Armed Forces too. Named after the charity’s founder Maria Dickin, the PDSA Dickin Medal acknowledges outstanding acts of life-saving
1.Vaccination Card- 2.Top 10 most dangerous dog breeds- 3.Deworming in dogs- 4.Top 10 indian dog breeds- 5.Vaccination of dog in hindi- 6.signs of illness in dog- 7.Cat foaming/reason behind it/ home remedies to treat it/by Sahil Malik (vet.)/THE PET VISION /#TPV#.- 8.Dentastix for dog- 9.Dermatitis in dogs- 10.चिचड़,मखी ,parasites का पूरा इलाज
This post is sponsored by Dinovite Species-appropriate nutrition is the foundation for good health, but even the highest quality diet can benefit from supplementation. Dinovite supplements offer that extra boost of nutrients, vitamins and probiotics to promote a strong immune system, aid digestion, and support healthy skin and a shiny coat. About Dinovite Dinovite is
Wanna Laugh All Day Long? Watch These Funny Pets Videos
Here are new funniest and cutest animal videos of the week – try not laugh. This videos from Funny Animals Life make your day better. In today’s weekly funny selection you will see cute and funny pets, funny cat and dog videos. Some dog
Couple finds an abandoned python at the park and gives her a bubble bath when they get home — and she gets so happy
Keep up with Chris and Gabby’s wild adventures on Tiktok: You can check out more from Florida’s Wildest on YouTube: Introducing Dodo swag! Love Animals? Subscribe: ¿Hablas
Reptiles need UVB so that the can uptake calcium from their diets. But what about nocturnal reptiles like crested geckos, leaf-tailed geckos, leopard geckos, and others? Do they need exposure to UVB? Clint takes on this controversial topic to shine some light on the need for UVB. #clintsreptiles #MBD #UVB ==== ==== Clint is