Another Senior Dog Rescued From the Streets!

Last week, I received a call about an old dog who that was in a bad condition who was not moving on the streets of Kolkata India. When I saw the videos of him, my heart broke, so I contacted Yasmin Khan, who is a paravet and takes care of some of my other dogs. It was late at night, so with the help of some amazing people, a team and driver were sent to find him the following morning.

When they got to him, he was laying behind a car. We think he just wanted to find a quiet place to die. There was no way we could leave him there, so he was picked up and taken back with the team and placed in a foster home. He was so dehydrated and hungry, so he was given food and water. Being a paravet, she was able to take blood samples and his results showed high creatine levels and issues with his kidneys and high oxalic acid numbers which means that he was most likely poisoned from the garbage he ate to survive. He also has a yeast infection and UTI and is now on medication in addition to a renal diet.

Right now, Moses cannot stand or walk and needs to be assisted with going to the bathroom. He is also blind, so we have an appointment with the eye specialist on June 17th and at that time we will get some x-rays done. We do not think he has any broken bones, and believe he has muscle atrophy from being so weak and not moving around for a long time or possibly nerve damage from being hit by a car. I am just so grateful that a group of women came together to rescue this old soul because he would have died alone with no one even knowing he existed. We are not sure how old he is, but we think somewhere between 8-10 years.

For anyone that knows me, knows how much I love my senior black dogs, as they are often overlooked. Just looking in his eyes, you can see his pain and you can see that he has had a rough life. We are now needing help with his medical care and boarding if anyone would like to sponsor him, please message me. For now, this boy is safe and is enjoying having a soft blanket to sleep on and food in his belly. Stay strong Moses, we got you!

Donate to Moses
Venmo @straydogsupport
Stray Dog is a US based 501c(3) registered non-profit.

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