Mews and Nips Is Taking A Summer Break

Good To Know

Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! Mom said I could make an announcement today! How cool is that – I get to be Mom’s spokescat! That’s an important job, and I take it very seriously.

Anyway, what she wanted me to tell you is that our weekly Saturday feature, Mews and Nips, will be taking a break over the summer. Mom has been so busy lately, not just with keeping up with everything on The Conscious Cat, but also with her Reiki clients, and I’m worried about her working too hard. And off of this is really cutting into the time she has left to spend with me! Of course I nap (I mean assist!) in her office while she works, so I am with her all day long, but she still needs to have time to play with me and most importantly, to just quietly sit with me and relax like a cat!

So she and I decided that she’s going to cut back just a little bit, and the Mews and Nips column seemed like the best place, since it’s mostly a recap of the week’s post, and most of you read those every day anyway.

Mom wanted to be sure that I tell you that all the other content you’ve come to love and rely on on The Conscious Cat is going to keep coming every day: the posts about feline health, nutrition and behavior, the product features and reviews (my favorite part!) and the Sunday Quotes will all continue.

So how did I do? Did I do a good  job as spokescat?

And now I’m going to see if I can convince Mom to lounge in the sun with me. She needs to do more lounging and less working!

1 Comment on Mews and Nips Is Taking A Summer Break

  1. Allegra, you did great. And we’re so glad that your mom gets a little more time to play with you. She works so hard to pay for those tuna cakes!

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