Allegra and the Tuna Salad Seal

Good To Know

Hi everyone, it’s Allegra! You know by now that I LOVE crinkly plastic seals. Whenever I hear mom open a jar or other container that has one of those seals, I come running into the kitchen! It doesn’t matter where in the house I may have been, or whether I was fast asleep, because to me, that sound is just simply irresistible!

Mom lets me play with the seals for a little while, but she always takes them away from me as soon as I start chewing on them. I know she just wants to keep me safe, but it really ruins my fun!

The other day, Mom came up with a new idea for a crinkly plastic seal game. This time, the seal came from a container of tuna salad. Before you get all excited, it was vegetarian tuna salad, which, as far as I’m concerned, tastes gross, but the containers do have a particularly fun seal.


Mom hooked it over the edge of the coffee table, and it made for a really fun game!

I still don’t understand why  mom can’t just buy real tuna salad, but maybe that doesn’t come with fun seals? Yes, that must be it. She buys the vegetarian tuna just so I can have a seal to play with!

Kitties, do you like playing with crinkly plastic seals?

1 Comment on Allegra and the Tuna Salad Seal

  1. Those plastic seals are so much fun. I tend to chew on them too much, so I don’t get to play with them often. Lulu seems to get to play with them longer than I do and it’s just not fair.

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