Cleaning Up Safely After Messy Pets

Good To Know

National Pet Month is a celebration of pet ownership, and a time to reflect on all the positive benefits of owning a pet. The UK is a nation of pet lovers, with around 45% of people having at least one pet in their household. The pandemic saw a massive rise in pet ownership. At least 3.2 million people bought a pet during the pandemic. And many of those pet owners were working from home, which meant more time to spend with pets.

But as Brits go back to the daily commute, keeping on top of the extra mess generated by new four-legged family members is one chore we could all do without!

National Pet Month is the perfect opportunity to share time-saving tips and tricks for keeping furry fuzz and little accidents at bay. That’s why TV home shopping company Thane UK has rounded up seven of their most-read recommendations for cleaning up after Snowy and Simba!

According to Lindsay-Jane Vines, President of Thane UK and North America, tackling pet mess is one of the least favourite household chores. “Our Great British Spring-Cleaning Survey revealed that more than 1 in 10 British households found tackling pet mess to be the most dreaded cleaning task.” And she warns, “many common household cleaners contain harsh chemicals that can be harmful for pets, so we owe it to our four-legged friends to use pet-safe cleaning methods.”

How safe are chemical cleaners to use around pets?

Many of the household cleaners people use regularly actually contain all sorts of nasty chemicals. Bleach, oven cleaner, laundry capsules and dishwasher tablets all carry a warning that says, ‘keep away from children’, but it’s equally important to keep these products away from cats and dogs, too. If putting a chemical cleaner on floors and carpets, it needs to be rinsed thoroughly to avoid pets getting toxic residue on their paws. And inhaling the gases given off by things like bleach and oven cleaner can make any dog or cat feel very unwell.

Find out more about the toxic household cleaners pet owners need to watch out for and discover the seven must-read guides for pet owners here:


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