Our Beautiful Mr Yellow goes to Heaven

We called him Mr Yellow and the colour could not have been more fitting for him. Made of sunshine and happiness and everything pure and sweet.

Your name should have been Sunny. Smiling sunshine.

He was soft and loving and the moment he spotted you he would make his gentle way to your feet for a pat and a cuddle.

He loved the children and would ever so gently lick them.

He was always smiling, even at the very end when he was in so much pain and so much of him had disappeared. He still put on a smile.

He may not have had a family yet legally but everyone here at the farm was his family and we loved him and he felt loved.

He was only 3 months old. Born with the worst liver shunt the surgeons had ever seen. Inoperable and killing him quite quickly really with a dozen things failing him because of it. In the end he was having multiple episodes a day and was simply leaning against a wall, not much of himself left. The medications was no longer working and even after being admitted to hospital, this time their efforts weren’t giving him any comfort.

Even despite his pain, in his last moments when Luke and Dee walked into the hospital to be with him at the end, he mustered up the strength to wag his tail and lick Luke’s hand. Dee was the one who saved his mum from a terrible hoarding situation and helped him be born in her home on Christmas Day. He then spent his short little life here at the farm with our family and his siblings.

He took his last breath in the arms of people he knew and people who loved him.

He will now Rest In Peace forever here at the farm. His home. Surrounded by his family of humans and dogs, watching over us all.

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