Mews and Nips: Do Our Cats Think We’re Just Bigger Cats?

Good To Know

Do you ever wonder how cats perceive us humans? What exactly do they see when they look at us? Inverse assembled a team of pet experts and veterinarians to try and answer these questions. Visit Inverse to read a fascinating article about feline thought processes and behaviors.

If you missed any of the stories featured on the Conscious Cat this week, here’s a recap: on Sunday, I shared a resource to help us cope  with so much darkness in the world, on Monday, we featured a special edition of our Ask the Cat Doc column, on Tuesday, we reviewed, on Wednesday, Allegra talked about a favorite toy, on Thursday, we reviewed Jackson Galaxy’s Vitamin B12 Supplement, and on Friday, we featured a gorgeous painting by Bernadette Kazmarski.

I can’t stop watching today’s video – this little kitten must have been having a really yummy dream. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend!

Image Depositphotos

Cat Hammock Wall Mounted Cat Bed

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