Remembering Ruby: That Time When The Girls Helped Me Prepare My Tax Return

Good To Know

It’s hard to believe Ruby has been gone more than two years after being diagnosed with advanced kidney disease. Some days I still miss my little girl so much, it actually feels like a physical ache. I’m grateful I have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections on this site to comfort me and remind me of some of the cute things she did when the pain hits, and I love sharing the memories with you.

Since it is the season for preparing taxes, I thought I’d share a memory of the girls helping me with that chore.  We all know cats are eminently qualified to assist and support hinder their human in organizing receipts, entering data in spreadsheets walking across the keyboard, printing said spreadsheets batting at said spreadsheets as they come out of the printer, and helping their human locate missing receipts chasing receipts all over the office.

Of course, the girls had a spirited discussion about how to best assist me. Read Allegra and Ruby Assist with Tax Preparation for the full story.

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