CatPAWS Kitty Comfort and Therapy Program Brings Joy to Assisted Living Residents

Good To Know


The Helen Sanders Cat Protection and Welfare Society in Seal Beach, CA has a very special program: the Kitty Comfort and Therapy Program brings cats and kittens into an assisted living facility.

The program was inspired by beloved children’s book author Priscially Maltbie. Maltbie, a lifelong cat lover, spent the last  years of her life in an assisted living facility. Since she couldn’t have cats of her own there, CatPAWS took some of their rescue cats to visit her. Maltbie passed away in 2014. The program has continued to this day.

Priscilla Maltbie with Zoey

There is plenty of research available that shows how much pets can benefit humans. Pet parents are less likely to feel lonely, they cope better with stress and recover from illness faster. One study even found that spending just 15 minutes spent with an animal initiates hormonal changes in the brain, dropping stress levels and increasing serotonin (the “feel-good” hormone) levels.


“We were so glad to be able to resume these visits just about a month ago after of course having to suspend them in March 2020,” said Deborah Felin-Magaldi of CatPAWS.


For more information about CatPAWS and to support their program, visit


All photos provided by Deborah Felin-Magaldi, used with permission

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