Sunday Cat Love and Above: Home Is Where My Cat Is

Good To Know

Guest post by Siena Lee-Tajiri

So much can happen in 7 days. After our offer was declined on the first house we saw, our offer on the second house we saw was accepted! Last month I shared how Spirit has a greater vantage point than we do, so when things don’t seem to work out as we hoped, there must be something greater in store for us.

“All this or greater yet still”

“All this” (what we currently hope and dream) or “greater yet still” (the better dream that Spirit has for us). If you missed last month’s post, Dreaming a Greater Dream, you can find it here.

The Greater Dream

With all of your kindness and loving energy, I did receive the “greater yet still.”

  • Instead of a craftsman art deco, I received a ranch farm house.
  • Instead of completely remodeled, I received partially remodeled which gives me the opportunity to make some of my own choices.
  • Instead of Pauline Starke (a glamorous silent film star in the 20’s), I received June Cleaver (everyone’s mom from Leave it to Beaver!)
  • Instead of being right in the busyness of the city, I received being quiet and tucked away on a hill.
  • Instead of a 20 minute drive to the forest, I received an 8 minute walk to one.

This truly is the greater dream for me. I come from a family of renters, which means we moved a lot. This was normal for me and later as an adult, I continued to rent and move, rent and move. In fact, the move to this home will be the 22nd move in my life. (!) Let me clarify that I don’t feel there’s anything wrong with renting and for many, this really is the best and healthiest option. But for me, after moving so much in my life, owning meant I would never have to move again unless I wanted to. And as an animal lover, the ultimate bonus is no more sneaking in cats or rounding down the actual number. I also get to build that catio, and I finally get to adopt as many as I can responsibly care for.



I was raised by my grandparents in a busy, bustling family with extended family around all the time. Despite coming from such a large family, I never really felt like I belonged. So although I never prioritized owning a home, I dreamed of the feeling I always thought a home would bring: a sense of belonging. No more floating around, I can finally root. I can create and nurture a space that I can share with others and always have space for loved ones if they’re ever lost or without a place to stay. This, too, has always been part of the dream: a safe space for all (animals included!) that says, “You Belong.”


Bear’s Greater Dream

Let me mention the better benefits for Bear too. Because this home is raised up from the street, when I take Bear outside on his harness, he won’t be as startled by neighbors walking their pets on the street level. I’ve also consistently seen an abundance of sweet squirrels that have made their home in a few of the trees in the yard. So Bear will have his built-in Cat TV from any one of the main floor windows. And of course, there is an abundance of options for a catio.

I appreciate your messages on the last blog. I do believe that all your well-wishes helped move my dream up. I’ve been telling Bear, “Guess what? I bought you a house!” It brings me tremendous joy telling him that, knowing he’ll be meeting squirrels, getting safe daily walks outside, and enjoying sunshine and fresh air in his catio.

And now that I’ve got the house, for me, all I need is Bear because really, home is where my cat is.

Happy Fall Sweet Friends!

With Love and Above,


Siena Lee-Tajiri is the founder of the Love and Above Cat Club. Please visit, sign up for their mailing list, and browse their shop.

FTC Disclosure: The Conscious Cat is an affiliate partner of the Love and Above Cat Club. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves.

Photo at top of post Pixabay stock photo, photos of Bear ©Siena Lee-Tajiri, used with permission

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