Sunday Quotes: Empathy

Good To Know


These are challenging times for all of us, but even more so for those among us who are strong empaths. If you’re not familiar with the term, these are some of the signs that you are one:

  • You have a deep sensitivity toward others.
  • You feel a deep connection to animals and nature.
  • Negative people and negative energy drain you.
  • You are highly intuitive.
  • You find being around large groups of people exhausting.
  • You’re drawn to holistic methods of healing.
  • You’re drawn to the helping professions.
  • You need alone time to recharge.

I consider all of these traits positive traits, but as an empath, I’m also very much aware that unless I make sure I take care of myself, I leave myself vulnerable to feeling overwhelmed.

I don’t ever want to lose my ability to be empathetic, but at the same time, I also need to do a better job of protecting my own energy – something that I let slide a lot this past week, with even  more bad news out there than normal (or at least it seemed that way to me.) So today, I plan to spend my day staying away from the news, spending time in nature, meditating, and napping with Allegra to recharge my batteries.

Are you an empath? How do you cope when you start to feel overwhelmed? Share your tips in a comment.

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