#BeCatCurious for International Cat Day on Sunday 8 August 2021

Good To Know

Strengthen the bond with your cat and help them learn with free guidance from feline experts this International Cat Day.

We’ve all heard the old saying Curiosity Killed the Cat which serves as a warning not to be too inquisitive. However, a recent poll run by International Cat Care showed that for cats and their owners, it’s actually Curiosity that Saved the Cat.

95% of cat owners want more advice on training their cat. With at least half saying they struggled to get their cat into a cat carrier.

That’s why International Cat Care, the custodians for #InternationalCatDay, are making this year’s theme #BeCatCurious Training for Cats and their Humans. 

Sign up to free positive cat carrier training advice and online events

Cat owners can sign up to receive emails with tips and advice on how to positively train their cat to go into the cat carrier at home and for trips to places like vet. They’ll get invitations to free online events, Q&As, podcasts and easy to follow short training videos with cat behaviour experts.

Cat companions can join in anytime from 19 July until International Cat Day on 8 August 2021 by signing up at https://bit.ly/3waYcHF

Dr Sarah Ellis, iCatCare Head of Cat Advocacy, explains:

Anyone can train their cat – you don’t need a special cat or training experience. International Cat Day is the perfect opportunity to introduce owners and cat caregivers across the globe to the concept and start them on their training journey. It’s definitely a bond-enhancing experience!

Share photos and stories of Cat Carrier Training in Progress

In the run up to International Cat Day on Sunday 8 August 2021 @iCatCare will be asking cat companions who want to celebrate Cat Training in Progress to post photos and stories on social media using the hashtags #BeCatCurious for #InternationalCatDay to tell them more about how owners are building trust with their cat and the techniques they used to positively train their cat to go into the cat carrier.

Learning something new is good for cats and people too 

Training a cat or kitten using rewards reduces stress for everyone. Choose a reward your kitty loves as positive reinforcement for a behaviour, so they’ll do it again. Cats and their humans share a strong curiosity to discover and learn. Learning something new with your cat can strengthen your bond and reduce anxiety for both of you.

Linda Ryan, iCatCare Cat Advocacy Programme Manager, commented:

When we work with cats positively and kindly, there’s so much we can achieve together, including life skills for our cats so they can learn to enjoy having a great life in our care with freedoms and opportunities. Work out what they love, find the things which benefit them, enrich the human-animal bond and have a go at training with your cat!

Follow @iCatCare for announcements and more information as the programme is released, including content from International Cat Day partners Zoetis, Royal Canin and Purina.



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