Tips for Retired First-Time Pet Owners

Good To Know

Retirement is something many people look forward to as they think it offers freedom but, for many, retirement can be incredibly lonely and isolating. This is why other pet experts and us have worked with ageuk to provide a a pawesome advice article.

It can take time for people to adjust to this different way of life. For those older people who suffer from mobility issues and need aids such as stair lifts to get around their home or use scooters to get out and about, staying at home can be a struggle.

There are, however, many ways that you can combat this, ranging from joining a club to getting a pet. Owning a pet has lots of benefits as the UK’s leading feline charity Cats Protection says: “The benefits of owning a pet are well documented – according to our 2020 Cats and Their Stats Report, 62% of owners said their cats helped to relieve stress and loneliness.”

Before going onto the benefits of owning a pet, this guide takes first-time pet owners through the tips you need to look out for during the adoption / buying process.

The full article is published on the ageuk website and also contains quotes from ourselves. 🙂


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