Blast From the Past: Oliver the Cat and the @Amazonecho, what will he do?

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

We are back for another blast from the past of the adventures of Oliver & Nubia!

Today’s story is fictional but we got inspired by the fun little feature of Alexa the voice of Amazon Echo that allows you to ask her to meow like a cat! If you’ve got an Alexa device and didn’t know this is possible you might want to try it out!

Oliver was actually so curious about it that he chirped at Alexa and she kept meowing even more. : D

So that’s why we thought OH MY GOD… what if Oliver COULD speak to her… After all you can ask Alexa to order you stuff from your Amazon account… Well our thoughts on that can be seen in the comic below. ;o

We hope you enjoyed today’s comic. 🙂



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