When cats are snooping about the house, they usually find things like stray ponytail holders, lost toys, and even the odd bits of snacks dropped here and there. But what a cat doesn’t usually find in their house is a kitten!
But Titak the tabby did.
From the tabby cat’s first moments laying eyes on Bolur the kitten, she was so intrigued! Her mom knew a kitten friend would be a great idea for Titak as she often got lonely when home by herself. But Bolur’s first impression of the big tabby cat Titak wasn’t such a sure thing.
In fact, baby Bolur put on her best feisty feline act! Puffing and toughing, Bolur fluffed up her fur and even hissed at Titak.

But Titak didn’t take it too; personally, she even hissed back at Bolur because that’s what many cats do in new situations. Not even a year old yet herself, Titak remembered sometimes kittens need a minute to adjust in a big, scary world!
Little Kitten for a Big Kitten
Before Bolur got to her forever home, the world was indeed a tough place. As Bolur told fans on Instagram, “My hoomans found me and my other 4 siblings with our mother but in a very dangerous place, on the emergency staircase of 4th floor.”

Bolur’s mom was too ill to care for her kittens, so the little family was taken in by Simin Zargaran and a friend. Together, they got the mama cat the care she needed and found homes for her kittens. And Bolur’s home was easy to find because Simin knew the little fluff was meant to come home with her.

Simin decided introductions needed to happen slowly and at a distance, telling LoveMeow, “On the first day, we decided to keep the kitten from our cat, and introduce them gradually.”
But Titak heard the newcomer making her kitten squeaks and the curious cat came running for their fluffed-up first meeting.

Hisses to Kisses
After her hissy puff show and some time to get used to her big sister, Bolur decided Titak was indeed a friend, and home was the best place to be. She crawled into bed with her tabby sister and tucked herself right in. The love continued when Titak came upon Bolur snuggled up in her kitten crib.
“We were so surprised when Titak came over to her and started licking her. That moment was just fantastic,” Simin shared.

“After that, they began to play with each other and Bolur even let Titak groom her.”
The pair have become the best of friends, with Titak being very protective, Simin explaining, “when Bolur is eating, sleeping or playing, she is always nearby trying to keep the kitten safe.”

And when it comes to play, “Bolur likes to chase her big sister and then hide in a place until Titak finds her.”
Such silly cats, and they have a lifetime of naps and playtime coming their way thanks to the love of their family! Their mom is looking forward to every minute, saying, “I am so happy and grateful for having them together.”
H/T: www.lovemeow.com
Feature Image: @titakandbolur/Instagram