Mactavish: My Trip to the Vet in the Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

It’s me little (well not so little anymore) Mactavish here again with a follow-up from last month’s post on getting me to like the carrier before my trip to the vet to get neutered. Of course, being so cosey it didn’t take long at all to get me to like the Sleepypod mobile pet bed from our sponsor.

The humans were very impressed with me as I simply jumped into the carrier as they called my name for both the initial vet visit and the follow-up appointment to check that everything went ok!

But what did the vet have to say about the carrier? Well… she was very impressed! In fact she said that she wishes everyone would use this kind of carrier as she was able to take off the top off the carrier entirely and for example perform the checkup on me while still feeling safe and secure inside the bed-shaped carrier.

Below a photo of uncle Renegade without the top to show what it looks like at that point as the humans couldn’t take photos at the vets due to COVID restrictions:

Of course that isn’t the only reason a Sleepypod product is the purrfect option for a trip to the vet! Thanks to it’s seat belt straps this carrier can be securely belted in for the car journey!

I’ve included the instructional video from Sleepypod for you which is great in finding out more about how to safely use the carrier, for car journeys!

I shall be back soon once my fur has fully re-grown with more updates. 😉 Meanwhile go and convince your human to get one of these carriers for yourself!

Signed by,

His Meowjesty Prince Mactavish the King of Cuddles


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