2020 Cat Book of the Year

Good To Know


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Last week, I shared my list of my top 5 cat books. Usually, I have a hard time choosing just one book as book of the year, bu this year the choice was easy: P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna, the first ever gift book for people who are grieving the loss of a cat, is such a unique and special book, and offers so much in such a seemingly small package, there was no question in my mind that this would be my pick for Book of the Year.


If you’ve read The Conscious Cat for a while, you’re already familiar with Sarah’s work. She contributed a number of wonderful articles about pet loss to our site.

She first got the idea for the book after her 20-year-old heart cat Hedda passed away in December 2016. Her friend Francis Tremblay sent her a drawing, along with a note “from Hedda” that ended, “p.s. I love you more than tuna.” You can read the full origin story on morethantuna.com.

This little book will help readers through the pain that comes with losing a beloved cat without being saccharine. It will heal through laughter as well as tears, and offer empathy without minimizing the reader’s pain or trying to “fix it.” To me, this treasure of a book is like a warm hug from a caring friend who understands how much your cat meant to you.

The book is available from Amazon.


Veterinary professionals: if you are interested in ordering this book at wholesale pricing, contact Macmillan via email or call 1-888-330-8477.

Some of the exclusive discounts featured in our gift guide
are vaild through December 31 – don’t miss out!

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