David Teie’s Music for Cats: Music Developed for Feline Ears

Good To Know


David Teie is a cellist for the National Symphony Orchestra and a composer who lives in Washington, DC. Music for Cats was born out of Teie’s scientific theory on the fundamental nature of music appreciation. He contends that every species has an intuitive biological response to sounds based on their brain development and vocalizations.

The tracks are a mix of music, sometimes overlaid with sounds similar to purring or birds chirping. To the human ear, some of this can sound a little otherwordly, but for me, it has an oddly relaxing effect.

Allegra seems to gravitate toward the speaker whenever I play this music, so I have to believe it has a soothing effect on her as well. In these challenging times, I’ll take anything that helps me relax, and if it helps Allegra, too, that’s even better!

Music for Cats is available from Amazon. If you’d like to learn more about the science behind this music, please visit https://www.musicforcats.com/


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