Help The Amazing Acro-Cats and Rock Cats Rescue Survive the Pandemic

Good To Know


I’m a big fan of Samantha Martin and her Amazing Acro-Cats. Up until I met her in 2015,  when she came through the Washington DC area with her Amazing Acro-Cats, I had been skeptical. I’m well aware of the controversy that surrounds circus performances, but after talking to Samantha for almost an hour and watching her with her cats, I was able to put any misgivings aside.This is anything but a cat circus.

From the moment I met Samantha, I knew that I had encountered a kindred spirit. Samantha is passionate about cats and their well-being. She knew from the time that she was ten years old that she wanted to work with animals. A renowned animal trainer with a degree in animal husbandry and studies in animal behavioral sciences, Samantha has worked with all sorts of animals, from rats to chickens to groundhogs.

The Acro-Cats’ hour long show features over a dozen beautiful rescue cats who perform tricks ranging from walking on tightropes and balls to jumping through hoops to bowling and ringing bells, and ends with a rousing performance of the only feline rock band in the world, The Rock Cats.

If you never had the chance to experience the sheer joy of watching their live performance, the full show is available as a movie.


How the pandemic affected the Acro-Cats/Rock Cats Rescue

As is the case with anyone in the entertainment industry, the Acro-Cats have been hard hit by the pandemic. Their live performances are their major fundraisers, and all of that stopped in March. Additionally, earlier this year, they were the victim of a cruel scam.

As a result, the Acro-Cats are now deeply in debt and are having a hard time just meeting day to day expenses to care for the cats and maintain Meowy Manor, the Georgia home of the troupe.

How you can help the Acro-Cats with a major fundraiser

A generous contributor has has agreed to match all donations raised from October 23 through December 23 dollar for dollar, up to $25,000. This means Rock Cats Rescue could make up to $50,000 during this timeframe. Even though their debt at this point exceeds three times that amount, this money could make a real difference!

There are four ways to donate: via credit card, Paypal giving, online store donations, or checks mailed to their PO Box in Georgia. For more information, please visit

Rock Cats Resuce is a 501 (c) (3) and your donation is tax-deductible.

If you can’t donate, you can still help!

If you can’t contribute financially, there are other ways you can help:

Samantha has become a dear friend over the years, and it hurts my heart to see her and the cats in such dire straits. I appreciate your support – every little bit helps!

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