4 min read
“All kittens love that toy and like to go inside it, but she took it to a different level.”
Pnina and her siblings were abandoned in a box outside a shelter in Tel Aviv, Israel, when they were just 3 weeks old. The kittens were all taken in by different fosters and rescue groups, and Pnina and a few of her siblings ended up with The Tiny Pet Rescue.
Once she was safe in her temporary home, Pnina’s sweet personality began to shine through, and as the weeks went on she grew into the most adorable kitten who loves to play and explore new things.
“Pnina is incredible,” Danni Meyerson, founder of The Tiny Pet Rescue, told The Dodo. “She is delicate, gentle, affectionate, friendly and generally just perfectly lovable and amazing.”

One day, Pnina was playing around with her siblings when she discovered a new toy. As she tried to figure out how to play with it, she realized she could actually fit inside it — and it quickly became her new favorite game.
While Pnina may have been a little stuck at first, she quickly realized that she could slide in and out of the toy quite easily — but whenever she’s hanging out in there, it definitely looks a little like she’s stuck.
“All kittens love that toy and like to go inside it, but she took it to a different level,” Meyerson said.

Meyerson couldn’t stop laughing whenever she saw Pnina wedged into her new favorite toy. She shared the photos on Facebook so other people could see just how silly Pnina is, and the pictures of her “getting stuck” definitely brightened the days of so many people.

Eventually, Pnina got tired of her favorite toy and moved on — and not long after that, she and her siblings were all adopted together. Now Pnina has a wonderful forever home with lots of toys, and there’s no doubt that she’ll find silly new ways to play with those, too.