Review: Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain

Good To Know


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Water is critical to keeping your cat healthy. Cats as a species don’t have a high thirst drive, and this can lead to chronic low-level dehydration if a cat is fed mostly dry food, which in turn, can lead to urinary tract and kidney problems. Proper hydration can help prevent urinary tract disease and promote healthy kidney function by flushing toxins. Fountains are a great way to encourage cats to drink more water.

With so many fountains available, it can be difficult to determine quality. The two main things I look for in a fountain are that it needs to be easy to clean and easy to operate, but I also want it to look good and be quiet. The Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain hits all these marks.

Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain features

  • 5-layer circulated filtration: Tray mesh, sponge, GAC (Granular Activated Carbon), ion exchange resin, plus medical stone are designed to filter out hair, large particles, debris, sand & rust, remove odors & impurities, soften hard tap water, and improve water quality.
  • Fresh water 24/7: A 74oz/2.2L reservoir provides a continuous supply of clean, safe water for your pet while taking up little floor space;
  • Detachable design for easy & thorough cleaning.
  • Smart Control: Total safety support with an auto off function at a low water level to avoid pump running dry.
  • Quiet: Works quietly at a noise level as low as 38dB (30dB is the sound of a whisper) with a smart auto on night light.


Putting the Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain to the test

Assembly was quick with with simple, easy to follow instructions. One design feature that delighted me right off the bat is that the fountain has a white power cord. One of my big pet peeves in industrial design is the use of black power cords on light colored products. It just looks ugly to me, and shows a lack of attention to detail.

This fountain is unbelievably quiet – in fact, I’d say it’s silent. I’m extremely noise-sensitive, and one of the things that has stopped me from using fountains in the past is that the constant low hum or splashing of water drives me a little crazy. I couldn’t hear this fountain at all, and since the water just moves gently, but doesn’t splash, there is no water sound, either. A huge plus!

Another thing I really love about this fountain is the height. It allows cats to drink comfortably without having to crouch. Allegra has had an elevated water bowl for the last few  months, and she loves it. It completely eliminated the occasional “urping up” of water that would happen after she drank a little too fast.

The fountain is extremely easy to clean. Petlibro recommends changing filters every month or two, depending on usage.


The fountain has a smart night light that comes on when the ambient light gets low. You can easily turn this feature off if you don’t want to use it.

I did not have a fountain set up prior to testing this one, so this was something new for Allegra. She was pretty cautious the first few days I had it set up, but gradually became more comfortable. I know she’s been drinking from it because the water level has dropped, but I have yet to catch her with my camera while she’s drinking!

The Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain is available from Amazon or directly from PetLibro’s website. You can also find Petlibro on Facebook and Instagram.

Exclusive discount for Conscious Cat readers
20% off entire order!

Use code Consciouscat. Discount valid on the Petlibro website only, valid through September 17, 2020. One use per customer.


I’ve reviewed quite a few fountains over the years, but this one truly stands out. The simple, sleek design will fit in with any decor and the height is comfortable for cats. Maintenance is easy, and best of all, it is virtually silent! In fact, I love it so much that I’m awarding it our coveted Seal of Approval.


Coming next week:
Win a Petlibro Automatic Water Fountain!

*FTC Disclosure: The Conscious Cat is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our links, we get a small commission. We only spread the word about products and services we’ve either used or would use ourselves. I received this fountain from Petlibro at no charge, and I also received a fee for featuring this product. Receiving the complimentary product and the fee did not influence my review. All reviews on The Conscious Cat will always reflect my honest opinion, or, as the case may be, Allegra’s honest opinion.

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