How To Use An Amazon Box To Entertain Your Cat All Day Long

Good To Know

8 a.m. Pick up the Amazon box left at your front door. Really, what’s important isn’t what’s inside the box — it’s the box. Leave out the box in the center of the kitchen for the cats to jump inside.

Noon. Turn the same box upside down and cut mouse holes in the side for the cats to poke their paws in, which they’ll want to do because there are tasty treats you’ve deposited inside.

2 p.m. Relocate the same box to another room, maybe near a window the sun is shining through, place something soft inside the box, and it becomes a place for a solid catnap.

4 p.m. Ask the kids to color an image of the cats on the box, and now you have a designer box, which you again relocate to another room. By simply moving the box, it becomes as interesting as when you first introduced it.

6 p.m. Spray some scent on a clean rag and relocate and place into the box, which you can move back to the original location.

8 p.m. Recycle the box and await another delivery.

Top photograph: omch | Getty Images

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