Teddy Bear Kitten Found Dream Home and Blossomed into Happy Cat


A shy kitten found a family of his dreams and blossomed into a happy, fluffy cat.

cute, kitten, fluffy, teddy bear


Jakob Wedlund and his family were looking for a new friend for their cat Ralf when they came across a kitten named Molle. The little ball of fluff who resembled a teddy bear, was in search of a new home.

“He was very shy (due to a bad situation he was in at his previous home) when we met him for the first time,” Jakob told Love Meow.

The kitten was crying nonstop after they brought him in the car. “We opened the carrier, and he went straight to mom’s shoulder and slept through the entire way. He finally felt so calm and safe.”

cute kitten, fluffy cat


The little teddy bear was a bit timid and easily startled but couldn’t contain his curiosity. He explored every nook and cranny of his new room but always stayed close to his humans.

“Somehow, he felt safe with us right away. Every time we left the room he started meowing, and he stopped when we returned.”

teddy bear kitten, cute


The couple didn’t get much sleep the first night to keep the kitten company and reassure him that he was home. It didn’t take long for Molle to claim his humans’ bed and curl up in their arms for cuddles.

Little by little, the kitten started to come out of his shell and grow more confident especially when he met the resident cat Ralf.

fluffy kitten, cute


“It was love at first sight, at least for Molle. He never really seemed scared of Ralf’s hissing or growling. He even climbed over things just to meet him,” Jakob shared with Love Meow.

When Ralf let the kitten in for a hug, the little guy was so happy that he purred up a storm.

best friends, cat, kitten


“Molle is definitely the clingy one. He loves to follow Ralf, copy what he does and cuddle with him. Ralf likes to be alone and not to get disturbed, but they play together, on Ralf’s terms.”

The sweet kitten grew very attached to his adoring family and insisted on following them like a little shadow.

fluffy kitten, cute


“He loves to lay on our feet when we sit down or lay in bed, and he likes to stand in the middle of the doorway, always in the way,” Jakob shared with Love Meow.

Watch Molle the cat in this cute video:

Molle the cat


The kitty’s favorite pastime is to be cared for and pampered. “He loves that we pay attention to him, and he likes to be combed. When he gets his manicure/pedicure, he purrs and sleeps like a little baby.”

then and now, teddy bear cat


The little kitten has blossomed into a fluffy bear cat. He continues his role as his humans’ supervisor and keeps tabs on everything they do around the house.

“He constantly follows me especially now that we are renovating our home,” Jakob said. “He tags along with me to places that he’s not supposed to. He is always around, looking at us or rubbing up our legs.”

fluffy cat, cute


Molle demands cuddles whenever he gets an opportunity. The little love-bug will seek out his humans if they wander from him for too long.

Jakob doesn’t have to heart to say no and is happy to oblige to his kitty’s every request.

real men love cats, cuddle, cute cat


Molle is all grown up now. He adores his loving family and never stops giving them snuggles and affection.

best friends, cute cats


Share this story with your friends. Follow Molle and his adventures on Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Insists on Staying with Family that Helped Him Thrive

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