Woman Climbs Out of Window to Rescue Kitten Stuck on Roof — the Kitty Can’t Stop Purring


A young woman climbed out of a window to rescue a kitten stuck on a roof.

Sara Zoe

Ariana Arroyo from Brooklyn, New York, heard a kitten’s cries when she and her mother were on their way home earlier this month. “I wondered where the meowing was coming from. I looked up and saw a cat on an awning,” Ariana told Love Meow.

The kitten was running across connected buildings and meowing for help. Ariana got in touch with her brother who immediately opened the window, trying to call the kitten. The little one was out of reach, walking back and forth from awning to awning. Eventually, she disappeared as they could no longer see or hear her.

“The following morning, my brother told me that he heard the kitten again,” Ariana said. “We decided the best option would be for me to climb out of the window and onto the awning to save her.”

Ariana Arroyo

She carefully climbed out while her brother remained inside with a carrier ready. They called out to the kitten and lured her closer with a bowl of food.

“Finally, a breakthrough happened and she moved close enough for me to reach her. Before I did that, she devoured the food,” Ariana added. “I picked her up and brought her inside.”

The little tuxedo got a full belly and some much needed cuddles. She was so happy to be safe and purring up a storm.

Ariana Arroyo

“We bathed her and set up a cozy area for her to stay. She enjoyed being kept in a purrito, where she would purr and make biscuits.”

Ariana reached out to Flatbush Cats, a TNR (trap-neuter-return) focused cat rescue in Flatbush, Brooklyn, to get the kitten the medical care she needed, before finding her a good home.

Sara Zoe

Sara Zoe, a foster volunteer of the rescue, took her in and lovingly named her Moonpie.

“She was immediately purring and sweet once she was brought in to our foster room. However, she was a little lethargic and we could tell her tummy was bothering her,” Sara told Love Meow.

Sara Zoe

While she was wandering outside, scrounging for food, she ate whatever she could find in order to survive. “She did throw up some leaves that she unfortunately ate because she was starving on the street,” Sara told Love Meow.

“After that, she has been very happy and cuddly. She loves to lay on her back and get tummy rubs and bunny kick you with her back legs.”

Watch Moonpie in this cute video:

Sara Zoe

Moonpie is around 4-5 months old, weighing just 3.3 pounds. She is on a course of antibiotics and deworming medications, and is well on her way to full recovery.

She loves food and cuddles, and follows her foster mom everywhere around the house. “Nothing but VIP life from here on out for Ms. Moonpie,” Will Zweigart, founder of Flatbush Cats, said.

Sara Zoe

Moonpie thrives on having a friend around all the time. “She’ll need to go to a home with another young, playful feline companion.”

The sweet kitten is quite the purr machine. She’s so happy to have a foster home, a warm bed and people to love.

Sara Zoe

“You can start talking to her and she just begins to purr! She also purrs when she hears a can of food crack open,” Sara shared with Love Meow.

“This sweet little girl lives up to her name. She truly is a little delight! Whoever adopts her is in for a real treat.”

Sara Zoe

Share this story with your friends. Follow updates on Moonpie and Sara’s foster kitties on Instagram. Follow Flatbush Cats on Instagram and Facebook.

Related story: Woman Befriends Cat Who Lived Years on the Streets, and Comes Back for Him

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