Pet Fit Tips — Hiking With Your Dog

Fitness Ideas for You & Your Pet! — Hiking with Your Pet
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How to Lose: 400-700 Calories

The Gear – Essentials
Water: Make sure to keep yourself hydrated. Purchase a dog water dispenser at your local pet store!
Poop bags: Don’t leave your dog’s poo in the great outdoors!
Leash: You don’t want your dog running off from bears!
First Aid Kit: Safety first! The great outdoors doesn’t necessarily have a pharmacy.
Dog Treats: Just in case your dog needs a snack too!
Snacks: Non perishable foods like cereal dried fruit and nuts.
Backpack: To carry everything on your back comfortably.

How It Benefits You:
Hiking is a great form of cardio and it’s great for losing weight because of the incline of the ground. Which makes hiking comparable to jogging!

Muscles used when hiking:
Calves Muscles
Core Muscles
Lower Back Muscles
& our Oblique Muscles

Hiking promotes muscle toning and muscle building because the ground is not always level. Your body and legs have to compensate and this stimulates your body!

How it Benefits Your Dog:
Hiking is a great bonding experience with you and your dog. It’s great for socializing because you never know what you’ll run into on your hike!

Hiking benefits your pet in multitudes of ways with exciting sights and sounds. It provides a better sensory experience than just walking your pup down the street.

Hiking The Correct Way:
Shoulders straight and back upright. Find your natural rhyme by walking consistently on a flat surface. Walk with ease on the hike.

Try This:
Keep it interesting
Vary your hiking paths and try seasonal hiking. You’ll be able to view different scenery each time!

Rebecca-Louise’s Facebook Fan Page:

Produced by Gabe Evans
Associate Producer: Faris Jaclyn

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