Remembering Ruby: Ruby and the iPad

Good To Know

It’s hard to believe Ruby has been gone more than two years after being diagnosed with advanced kidney disease. Some days I still miss my little girl so much, it actually feels like a physical ache. I’m grateful I have eight years of Ruby’s Reflections on this site to comfort me and remind me of some of the cute things she did when the pain hits, and I love sharing the memories with you.

Last week, I wrote about apps designed for cats and whether those games are a good idea. That made me remember when I bought my first iPad in August of 2013. Not surprisingly, one of the first things I did was download a cat game to see whether Allegra and Ruby would enjoy that. Of course, that led to a spirited exchange between the two girls.

Read Allegra, Ruby and the iPad to get the full story.

1 Comment on Remembering Ruby: Ruby and the iPad

  1. That’s such a cute post. Ruby really did enjoy playing with the fishies.

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