13th Anniversary Celebration and Giveaway

Good To Know

This giveaway is sponsored by Sleepypod

Today is our 13th anniversary! I really doesn’t seem possible that it’s been that long ago that I started this blog, inspired by Amber, the original Conscious Cat. And while this is a big milestone for Allegra and me, this day really belongs to you, our readers. Without you, we wouldn’t be here, and we appreciate you so much for reading, commenting, and sharing every day.

13 years – 4,525 posts – 99,400 comments
19 million page views

Since March 1, 2009, we have brought you 4,525 new posts. More than 99,400 comments are a testament to the strength of our Conscious Cat community.   And with more than 19 million page views, our site is reaching an ever growing audience of cat lovers who want the best for their feline family members.

The Conscious Cat has become the “go to” site for cat parents looking for reliable information about cat healthbehavior and nutrition, as well as new cat productsbook reviews, and more.

250,000+ social media followers

Our community extends to our Facebook page and Instagram. Both attract cat lovers who enjoy sharing their love for cats with a group of like minded people every day. It’s truly a joy to curate both. We post unique content and lots of cat photos and videos several times each day. We’re also represented on Twitter and Pinterest. Social media may have its drawbacks, but it’s truly wonderful when it creates thriving communities like ours.

Happy, Healthy Cats and Humans

But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. Behind these numbers are countless cats who live happier and healthier lives thanks to the information presented on this site. There’s nothing that makes me happier than receiving messages from readers whose cats have been helped by the information found here.

To celebrate these last thirteen years, and to thank all of you for making it all possible by reading, commenting and sharing, we are delighted to announce that we have a huge Sleepypod Prize Package for one lucky reader!

Enter to win a Prize Package from Sleepypod


We are excited and grateful that Sleepypod offered up an amazing prize package for one lucky winner to help us celebrate!

The package is valued at $396.96, and will include:

  • Sleepypod Mobile Pet Bed
  • Sleepypod Go Bag
  • Sleepypod Cloudpuff Blanket
  • Yummy Travel Bowl

Winner chooses the color of each item except the blanket, which only comes in the color shown above.

For up to seven ways to enter, see the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway is open to readers in the United States only. This giveaway ends Thursday, March 31, 2022. Winners will be chosen by random drawing.*

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*This giveaway is sponsored by Sleepypod. No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. This giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with Facebook. By entering this giveaway, you understand that you are providing your information to The Conscious Cat, and not to Facebook. We will never sell, rent or share your information with third parties. Winners will be notified via e-mail. Prize winner must provide The Conscious Cat with a physical address to which the prize will be mailed within 72 hours. If this information is not received, an alternate winner will be chosen by random drawing. Winners will be announced in a separate post following the drawing.

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