Oliver & Nubia: Sniffing adventures and the feather glittery thingy! :D

Good To Know

Hi everyone,

As part of the cat subscription box tour clowder received a cute little glitter ball and feather toy! 🙂


Oliver: *Sniff sniff* What’s this!

Nubia: A toy… What do you think it is!

Oliver: Well everything has to be sniffed first!!!

Nubia: That’s something that dogs do… Not cats

Oliver: And you know this how?

Nubia: Fine… Let me try your approach…

Nubia: Hmmmm. It’s kinda interesting to sniff things!

Nubia: A birdy? 😀


Nubia: Oh!!! It’s got a glittery ball too. 😀

Nubia: I guess we should paw at it? Well today is sniffing day! haha 😀

Signed by


Her Meowjesty Queen Nubzilla the Disturber of Peace


Her Meowjesty King Oliver the Maker of Mischief


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