You can reduce your dog’s problem barking! (Picture Credit: Fly_dragonfly/Getty Images)
Just as human language is multifaceted and multipurpose, barking allows a dog to communicate many different messages in a variety of situations.
Barking can signal a request to their human, like, “Hey, I want to go outside!” It can also impart a warning, such as, “You’re in my territory!” Or it can simply serve to amuse when a dog has little else to do.
An instinctive canine behavior, a bark now and then reminds you that your dog is still very much a dog. However, constant barking can be disruptive, if not downright nerve-racking. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent or curb problem barking.
Causes Of Excessive Barking
Most often, barking results from boredom, fear, or frustration.
If you don’t hear your dog bark, but you hear about it from neighbors, it’s likely your dog barks out of boredom when you’re not around. In short, they enjoy barking; it’s a way to occupy themselves when they’re left alone.
Fear barking, on the other hand, is a stress response. It’s caused by something unknown to the dog, such as a sudden noise or another dog’s bark.
Fear barking can also result from sights and sounds a dog finds disconcerting, like skateboards or sirens. In these cases, dogs bark to send a clear message to whatever’s scaring them: Stay away!
A third type is frustration barking. This occurs when the dog is denied access to something they desperately want, such as a favorite toy, a piece of steak, or the terrier on the other side of the fence.
As you might have guessed, treatment for barking varies, depending on its cause.
Treating Fear Barking

(Picture Credit: sanjagrujic/Getty Images)
For a fearful barker, desensitization — the process of removing anxiety around a negative stimulus — can be a very effective treatment.
As with any procedure aimed at alleviating a dog’s stress, enlisting the help of a reputable trainer is an excellent choice. In the meantime, here’s an idea of how it works:
Let’s say your dog barks at men with beards. Begin by asking a bearded friend to stand a good distance away from you and your dog, far enough that your dog can see the man, but still remain calm and comfortable, while you reward your dog for not barking.
Very gradually, move closer to the bearded man; give your dog treats when they remain quiet.
Eventually, you’ll reach a point where your dog can happily trot past a bearded stranger without any stress response at all. This takes weeks, however, so don’t expect complete resolution in a single afternoon. Again, professional guidance is key with this type of treatment.
When the source of the barking is a rare or one-time occurrence and doesn’t require desensitization — for example, your dog spots a hot air balloon overhead — resist the urge to comfort your dog. This will only reinforce the idea that whatever they’re barking at is truly scary and worthy of your attention.
Instead, redirect them — lure your dog away from the window with a tasty treat. Once you have their attention, tell your dog to sit or lie down, and reward them for responding.
Treating Boredom Barking
Like many unwanted behaviors, barking can be greatly reduced if your dog gets enough mental and physical exercise.
Leave them plenty to do when you’re not around. Freeze a KONG toy stuffed with peanut butter or baby food and give it to them just before you walk out the door. Or hide small treats or toys around the house for them to find while you’re away.
Perhaps most important, make sure they get plenty of exercise so that they’re sleepy, not antsy, when on their own.
Treating Frustration Barking

(Picture Credit: sanjagrujic/Getty Images)
For dogs who bark when frustrated, eliminate the stimulus whenever possible.
If the bark-provoking Beagle next door is always on the front porch between 6:00 and 7:00 p.m., this might be a good time to take your dog for a walk.
Or if your dog is aroused by squirrels racing through your yard, consider putting up a scarecrow to frighten away small animals.
Obedience classes and at-home training can also help curb barking by teaching impulse control. The more your dog is asked to perform a particular behavior before getting what they want — to sit before receiving a treat, for example — the better they’ll be able to control themselves.
Preventing Unwanted Bark Behavior
In most cases, the more confident and content the dog is, the less likely they are to bark.
Keep your dog mentally and physically stimulated; socialize them to as many different people, places, and animals as possible; and ensure that they get the attention from you that they need and deserve.
Providing plenty of opportunities for them to choose an appropriate behavior is key to a mutually happy relationship.
Bottom line: Barking is a natural form of expression for your dog; completely eliminating it is neither healthy nor humane. However, with effort and the right tactics, problem barking can be managed, if not largely prevented.
Does your dog bark too much? What methods have you found helpful for reducing their barking issues? Let us know in the comments below!