2021 Cat Book of the Year

Good To Know

Last week, I shared my list of my top 5 cat books of 2021. Even though I loved all five of the books I picked, the choice for Best Cat Book of the Year was easy:


When Dean Nicholson set off from Scotland to ride his bicycle around the world, he expected to learn more about our planet, maybe have some adventures. What he didn’t expect was that he would meet a cat who would change his life as much as he changed hers. In Nala’s World, Nicholson shares his incredible journey as the pair travel through Europe and Asia.

Cat books aren’t usually the kinds of books you can’t put down, but that was not the case with Nala’s World. Uplifting, inspirational, heartwarming, and just about every other adjective you can think of that expresses a superlative, this beautiful book is ultimately an extraordinary love story. At a time when life seems so heavy for so many of us, this book is a bright spot sure to lift your spirits.

You can read my full review here.

Nala’s World is available from Amazon.


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There’s still time until December 31 to take advantage of the exclusive discounts offered by some of the companies featured in our gift guide!

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