Freddie the Whippet’s 2nd day, the puppies walking confidently, Freddo the Rottweiler keen to swim

Today was Freddie the 15 week old Whippet puppy’s 2nd day at the farm. He was a lot more confident and playful today. We saw some bouncy fast zoomies, the fast kind that Whippets are known for. He made lots of new friends today, Sophia the Havenese, Gertrude the Weimaraner and many others.

The puppies came on our bush walk again today. They too were even more comfortable in the pack. Still sticking close to Dad, but this is what we want to see.

Freddo the Rottweiler is really enjoying being a part of the day care packs. He didn’t used to be so keen on swimming, but with the encouragement of the pack, squeaky balls and Dad in the pool… he isn’t far off becoming Freddo the fish!

Little Zeus and Atlas the Mini Dachshunds are staying the weekend at the farm. They definitely don’t see themselves as small dogs. They make it very clear to everyone they’ve got just as much heart and are super brave. Well except for bedtime that is. Bedtime is snuggled under the blanket on either side of Uncle Luke or else.

Luke reminisces about Penny the Labrador, before the farm started, Luke trained her as a cheeky little puppy. Penny gives us a lot of joy. She’s a much slower older gal now, but that playful cheeky pup is always there and that side of Penny warms our hearts every time we see a glimpse of it.

It was pizza Friday, we all enjoyed pizza together! Hope you all have a magical weekend 💚

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