Country fair lunch, puppies join the bush walk and Freddo settles into homelife on the farm

Freddo the Rottweiler is settling into home life at the farm. Pre-rinsing the dishwasher, taste testing Aunty Sam’s cuppa froth, working out which couch might be his.

Early mornings with Wolf and the three puppies; Banjo, Matilda and Rosie. A beautiful morning, a little chilly but the sun was golden, the dam is full and the paddocks are green.

Today the puppy trio joined the big pack for the bush walk and lunch. They followed on lead so that Luke could continue to control all their interactions with the pack as positive.

We walked through the bush into the big paddock where we had Elle and Evie’s Nanny’s birthday party over the weekend. The party equipment was not being picked up until tomorrow so Monday’s pack and the humans enjoyed a mini country fair style lunch. Hot dogs, fairy floss, popcorn and slushies. It was like being a kid again, what a treat!

Whilst the big pack and humans enjoyed lunch, the puppies crashed out after their walk through the bush.

In the pool this afternoon, we’re having more and more fun every day with Summer just around the corner. Leaps into the pool, SUPing on the board, swimming after the balls and frisbees. We love the big pool!

After our swim, Freddo and the puppies joined the pack for the remainder of the afternoon. Freddo is doing very well on lead with the big pack and will soon enjoy being off leash just like Yoyo.

When the bus left today, Freddo did zoomies in the backyard. Today felt different. He was like a puppy. He’s loving the family life, and he’s such a family dog.

It’s very obvious he hasn’t had the luxury of living in a home inside with a family before. His shelter profile said he was an outside dog and yes we can see (from his behaviour) that’s how he’s spent his life. But when we asked Freddo does he want to be an inside dog and join our family on the couch, in the kitchen, at the dinner table?? He jumped at the chance.

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