Kitten Found Loving new Home After Needing Emergency Care for Broken Bones and Fractured Ribs

Good To Know

A four month old kitten who needed emergency care after being rushed into Blue Cross with a raft of injuries including a suspected broken leg and head wound has found a loving new home after months of treatment and care by the national pet charity.

Vets were unsure the poor kitten would pull through because along with his injuries he also appeared to be struggling to breathe.

X-rays revealed a raft of injuries, including broken bones and fractured ribs, indicative of a past filled with sadness, abuse and neglect.

Amanda Rumball, London Welfare Officer at Blue Cross, said: “Nothing could have prepared our team for the horrific injuries they uncovered in poor little Rocky.

“Our team was shocked and saddened but immediately got to work saving Rocky’s life.

“X-rays confirmed two broken bones in his right front leg. But what we were not expecting was 13 fractured ribs, all at different stages of healing.

“Rocky also had an infection and was sneezing discharge and blood from his nose. He was struggling to breathe; most likely due to the pain he was in with his ribs and chest.”

The tiny kitten was placed on a drip to control his pain, as well as antibiotics to treat his respiratory condition. Once stable, vets got to work repairing his shattered bones and then the kitten needed strict crate rest for the next couple of months to fully heal.

Amanda, who fostered Rocky at her home while he recovered, said: “Rocky needed time, both physically and mentally, to recover from the ordeal he had endured for the first months of his life.”

“We took everything at his pace, and he grew a little more in confidence each day.

“Despite all he had been through in his short little life, Rocky was still such a sweet boy and so gentle. We had to teach him that humans can be kind and reassure him that life was on the up.”

Sadly, the head trauma Rocky suffered has left him with lifelong brain damage and sinus problems.

Amanda made the decision to adopt Rocky, who will need daily nursing care for life.

She said: “He settled in so well and I just want to make sure he has everything he needs to have a happy and healthy future.

“His eye has to be bathed due to a blocked tear duct and his nose cleaned multiple times as he has a constant stream of discharge, which at times I find up my wall and on my sofa – it’s just as well I love him.

“He is a real sweet cat, getting more and more playful by the day. And he loves his almost-daily visits from the Amazon man, bringing him new presents. He deserves nothing but the very best in life.”

Rocky now spends his days exploring Amanda’s garden and loves to chirp at the birds, before settling down for snuggles with her and his four-legged family.

Despite all the pain in his past, Rocky couldn’t have a brighter future ahead of him, thanks to Amanda and the Blue Cross team who saved his life.

Amanda adds: “I can’t imagine life without him now. He makes me smile every day.

“The vet team may have saved his life, but this sweet bundle of energy has changed mine for the better.”


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