iCatCare Courses: Bringing Cat Friendly Solutions for Unowned Cats to Life

Good To Know

This FREE short course is aimed at people who want to know more about cats and especially those who want to do something to help unowned cats. The course takes you through the journeys of three very different feline characters as they experience the benefits of Cat Friendly Solutions for Unowned Cats, including Cat-Friendly Homing. Follow their stories and learn along the way!

It is FREE to complete and you will receive a downloadable certificate of completion at the end. Your knowledge will be tested with some simple multiple-choice questions throughout the course so you can check your understanding of the content as you go.Short and simple to follow, this course should only take you approximately 2-3 hours to complete!

This course is available to anyone with an interest in helping unowned cats but would be of particular benefit to those working and volunteering with unowned cats worldwide and across different sectors, including trap- neuter- return programmes, street and community cats, homing centres and cat fosterers.

The course includes information on the following:

  • The different lifestyles of domestic cats
  • How feral and community cats, and the way they live, impact on people and communities.
  • How their numbers can be controlled humanely
  • An introduction to Cat Friendly Homing principles
  • Understanding the needs of an ‘Inbetweener’ cat

Our thanks to the Petplan Charitable Trust for their support in the development of this programme

This course is FREE to complete.

Click here to start the course now


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