Sunday Quotes: What You Look At

Good To Know


Recently a friend posted beautiful photos on his Facebook page from a weekend spent in nature with good friends. He captioned the photos with “I’m simply choosing wisely where I invest my energy.” That remark stuck with me for the past couple of weeks.

Then I came across the above quote, and the two put together made me realize that lately I’ve been spending way too much time giving my energy to things that bring me down, and as a result, I’ve felt overwhelmed and out of control a lot.

I’ve since been making a conscious effort to put my energy toward positive things rather than spending it dooomscrolling and reacting to current events. I’ve limited my time on social media. Instead, I’ve added a second walk to my days, I watch uplifting or funny shows, and I spend even more time with Allegra, which, of course, is the best way to focus on all that’s good in the world.

Do you put too much of your energy toward negative things? What will you do differently this week to invite more positivity into your life?

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