Inspiring Unity – While Helping FurAngels Rescue Shelter for Cats

Good To Know

Hey everyone! First, we’re extremely excited Katzenworld agreed to share our story on their blog. Secondly, we’re honored to share the project we’ve been creating over the past few months for cat lovers across the globe.

With those two things being said, let’s get into it! We’re Inspire Unity. In a world that is seemingly divided, our goal is to unify people through things we have in common, all while raising funds for good causes! Donations are made possible through the mosaic collages on our website; any person can be a part of the interactive collage by uploading a photo in exchange for a donation. A mosaic collage is thousands of small little pictures coming together to create a larger image. This is a direct representation of how we should live as humans. All of us coming together to unify as one driving force to do good.

You may be wondering to yourself how this project came about, and it all started with a desire to make people feel united and do good coupled with a siamese cat with feline leukemia. Follow along below!

1.) The world has gone through a crazy time over the past year or so with about 76% of people around the world feeling that their country is divided.

2.) One of our founders, Noah, recently adopted a siamese cat with feline leukemia and we absolutely fell in love with her (She’s doing amazing btw).

3.) Laying in bed at night really gives you some great thoughts.

Take all three of those, throw in a personal goal of attempting to create change, and there you have it, Inspire Unity was born! We decided it was time to take a stand and create something that will allow people to physically see (through the collages), that we are 100% capable of coming together through something we share love for and getting creative to propel a greater good.

Due to the recent adoption of our family cat, my partner and I decided to run our very first project for cat lovers all over the world. How this works is people go to our website and create an account. They are then able to upload their picture(s) of their cat(s) to the collage and donate to the project! Whether it’s $1 or $1,000,000, your donation is appreciated and the impact goes much further than you know.

For donations: (All shipping US Only)

  • $1-$24.99 your picture is uploaded onto the collage
  • $25-$49.99 your picture is uploaded onto the collage and gifted an Inspire Unity beanie
  • $50-$99.99 your picture is uploaded onto the collage and you are gifted an Inspire Unity hoodie
  • $100+ your picture is uploaded onto the collage and you are gifted an Inspire Unity blanket

For those in the cat community, we need your help. We cannot stand up alone and show the world that Inspiring Unity is possible without you. The world has gone through some tough times and it’s time to show everyone that those tough times do not weigh us down.

We chose cats as the theme for our first project because of the strength that exists within the tight knit community. The amount of uploads to the site determines the impact we make on our partnered shelter. Our partnered shelter is Fur Angels Rescue Shelter out of Toledo, OH. FARS is a 501(c)(3), foster-based program that receives no state or federal funding and relies on community funding for all expenses.

Our goal for this first project is 1 MILLION uploads and it’s only possible if we all come together and Inspire Unity. We hope you’ll head to the site and become a part of the community today!


Instagram: @inspireunity_

Twitter: @inspireunity_

TikTok: @inspire.unity

Facebook: @InspireUnity2020


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